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IML_42 t1_j03lzsk wrote

Rudolph stormed off to his cottage, his nose pulsing with red-hot rage. He stormed through the living room so quickly his father hadn’t had time to even say hello. He slammed the door to his bedroom and fell onto his bed.

“Knock, knock,” said his father, “what’s this all about, son?”

“It’s the others,” said Rudolph, “they finally are accepting me, but I know it isn’t real. They only like me because Santa thinks I can help guide the sleigh with my nose.”

“Well that sounds like a wonderful thing, bud,” said his father. “It’s what you’ve always wanted, no?”

Rudolph sat up in his bed and turned to face his father. “No. This isn’t what I’ve always wanted—not exactly. Sure, it is nice to be needed. Sure, it feels good to have my uniqueness finally perceived as a strength. But, it doesn’t change how they’ve treated me in the past. It doesn’t heal the hurt. It doesn’t give me back all those tearful nights and make them all better.”

“I know son,” his father said as he grabbed his hoof, “those were tough times. But tough times make tough reindeer. Sometimes moving on means forgiving those who hurt us.”

“That’s easier said than done,” replied Rudolph.

“I know. I truly do. It was hard on me to see how all of the other reindeer treated you. I can only imagine how hard it was for you. But sometimes what is required of us is bigger than ourselves. If you don’t help Santa tonight, think of all the kids who won’t wake up tomorrow to gifts under the tree. Only you can make that happen. You can use your nose to brighten both the night sky and the lives of children across the globe.”

“I guess so,” sniffled Rudolph. “It just feels wrong that those who have shunned me are going to benefit from my gifts. It feels like I’d be letting myself down if I help, but I’d be insanely selfish to let those kids down.”

“Oh, son. Self love is never selfish.” His father paused and thought a moment. “If you truly need to take this beat, and not guide that sleigh, your mother and I will support you. You need to do what is right for you, first and foremost. I didn’t mean to make you feel selfish. I just want you to know what a benefit to the world your gift can be.

“And, as far as those horrible other reindeer benefitting from your gifts: well, isn’t it true that Santa still gives gifts to children on the naughty list from time to time? Isn’t it true that those kids still deserve to feel warmth and love despite what their actions may be? I’m not saying it will be easy, or even that it will feel good right away, but maybe you can use your gifts to show them how you should have been treated.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Rudolph said as he straightened in his bed. “Maybe I can use my newfound standing to enact some change. Maybe I can make it so that other reindeer with special gifts never have to feel what I felt. Maybe I can lead from the front, and show others that you can look like me and be useful, and needed, and successful, and loved.”

“You are all of those things and more, son,” said his father as he embraced Rudolph in a warm hug. “You make me proud to be your Dad.”

Rudolph’s nose shined bright, enveloping the room in a bright-red glow. “Dad, stop, you’re embarrassing me!”

Rudolph gathered his things and made his way to the door. “Thanks, Dad. I really needed this tonight.”

“Any time son. Now go out there and go down in history!”

“Dad, phrasing!” Shouted Rudolph as his nose fluttered.

“Sorry, sorry,” said his father flustered, “break a leg, son!”

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, please check out my other stories at r/InMyLife42Archive


Idaho_Brotato t1_j03rpri wrote

So very well done. And then Rudolph leads them into the stormy night, puts the whole team into a dive and cuts his harness loose at the last second.


IML_42 t1_j03vs28 wrote

Thank you! And that’s quite a dark turn there…but I’m not opposed.


CHA0T1CNeutra1 t1_j056044 wrote

Wasn't his dad one of the worst one's forcing him to wear a fake nose?


TypicalPunUser t1_j059cov wrote

Well yes and no. It was wrong, sure, but his dad was trying to help him avoid getting bullied.


Idaho_Brotato t1_j03jcu7 wrote

Santa leaned back and scratched his head. "Perhaps people were less than kind to you, " he said. "But why should that stop you from helping now? Everyone should be happy to step up and fulfill their purpose and you shouldn't let negative feelings stand between you and the greatness that you were born to."

Rudolph paused. The words were deep and it was time to prove that what he had always assumed was a handicap that had cost him so many friends and so many opportunities really was a blessing in disguise. He could help, but the pain ran too deep. He looked Santa straight int he eye, "I want to to tell you what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit you are! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?"

He tuned to the assembled crowd, and the shock evident on their faces along with the growing realization that their Christmas miracle was not going to happen. "And that goes for you fucks, too." He said icily as he turned on his heel, headed out the door and leapt in the foggy night. The redness of his nose lifted into sky and in the last bit of visibility before it winked out of sight they heard him exclaim, "Merry Christmas to Y'alls, now suck on deez balls!"

my apologies to fans of Christmas Vacation, everywhere.


IML_42 t1_j03ndeg wrote

Hahah oh my god. That’s amazing. Safe to say we took two very different approaches to this prompt.


P1917 t1_j03xxh2 wrote

Now he just needs to sabotage the chemical toilet.


hysterical_writings t1_j043xk1 wrote

No one would say it but they could see what was happening. The winds were picking up and the clouds seem to come lower as they days went by. They were hoping, without thinking, that everything would resolve its self on Eve. Yet here it was. There was no yellow in they sky, or maybe there was. They could only see so far with the mist and keep their eyes open for so long because of the strong snowfall.

Santa summoned his council, which included several of the elves as well as few of his niblings. After the third day, he arrived at the field where the reindeers were. All of the them skating along on the lake they use to swim, which had now become an ice floor. All except Rudolph who was some distance away under a bare tree.

All the reindeer, except the tree sitter, came towards Santa as soon as they noticed him. Prancer, Dancer, and Comet came the quickest. While the other three took their time getting to him. He couldn't quite make out what Vixen and Blitzen were saying to one another, but they were walking abreast.

He patted the first three as they eagerly rubbed their heads into his hands. "How is everyone holding up here?" he asked. The first three again starting huffing and snorting in excitement.

"I'm not sure if we're going to make it, tonight" Blitzen, the defacto leader of the second group. I've talked with the others, and I think it might be possible. They just stared back waiting for him to go on.

"We'll use Rodolph! With his nose so bright!"

They all just looked at one another. Rodolph? Out of all the crazy ideas. How could he possible see? Not only was there mist but there was strong snow. How could he possible see through that? But the answers became quite plain. He's nose was really bright enough and he could just wear goggles or a ski mask. But would he? They hadn't spoken all that much anymore. They practically went there separate ways. They were terrible to him. Would you really want to do it? He would be answering to the old man, and not to them. So they stood back, as he approached Rodolph.

They saw the old man explain and use a lot of hand gestures. But Rodolph Stomped on of his feet and snorted a puff of air out aggressively. Although they still couldn't hear what Nick was saying, they could hear Rodolph's angry replies.. "As if I'd ever do anything for any of you!" "You really think feeding me more-sols of visits really means anything?" "I don't care about those spoiled children!"

As Nick began to gesture again, that's when Rodolph turned on his heel and flew away.

No one knew what to do, so they didn't do anything. As soon as Nick's shoulders slumped over, the other reindeers went back to playing. Including Vixen, who sneakily flew away as the other's were distracted in the game. She knew were Rodolph would be. It was the last place they use to see each other.


Tsunnyjim t1_j08q6k0 wrote


"Can I ask why?" Saint Nick asked.

"Shall we begin with the years of emotional, verbal and sometimes physical abuse? Made an outcast for something I can't control, something I am? The exclusion even by you? All I wanted was to join the sleigh team, but you let them convince you I'd be a distraction. And now... you come here, hat in hand expecting me to jump at the opportunity, as if none of it had ever happened!? That I should be grateful?!"

The old man was considerably less jolly as Rudolph shamed him, remembering all he could have done and yet hadn't.

"I can't change the past Rudolph, only apologise deeply for it. You're right, I have no excuse for the many ways I have failed you. But it's not about that right now, it's about the duty we have for the children of the world. Can you set aside your grievance for one night and help me, with the promise that I will deal with it properly?"

"No, I won't have anything to do with that miserable bunch of polar bear dung."

"Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" The old man asked.

"Yes, if you want me, I won't work with any of them. Get a new team, and let them know what it's like to be excluded for once."

"None of the others are experienced enough yet."

"Didn't stop you bothering me, did it? That's my condition, take it or leave it. Or go and see if those idiot elves can make you something that will work."


"So, did you convince Red Nose to do his job?" One of the waiting reindeer asked. In that moment, Santa's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly understood the depth of his failure towards the outcast reindeer. His face clouded over with controlled anger, and the team saw the face from the distant past, the Nicholas who had once beaten Arius within an inch of his life.

"We are going back to the shed," Santa said icily, and none of the reindeer dared break the silence of the short trip. Once safely back in the shed, Santa dismounted, the waiting elves worried at his stormy expression, matching the rising blizzard outside.

"Take them off," the old man ordered the elves.

"But what about the delivery schedule?" One elf asked.

"I will be leaving on time. I just need a new team to take me. And while you're at it, modify the draw, I need a single leader."

"You can't be serious, you need us," Gallop protested.

"What I need is someone to guide the sleigh and the team through the worst blizzard I have ever seen. What I don't need is a team that has excluded and abused one of their fellows based just on their nose! And maybe what I need is a new fur lining for my suit, and to stock up on venison for next year. Keep complaining and I'll take it as you volunteering!"

"Sir, who will pull the sleigh if not us?" Willow asked. "We haven't had time to properly train the next team."

"Well, they'll just have to step up now," Santa replied. The reindeer went back to their stalls, some with grace and some with anger, while the new team was installed. When he was satisfied, Santa hefted the magical sack onto the sleigh, and guided the new team back into the driving wind and snow.

"We can't navigate properly in this weather," Dasher called out from the front.

"I know, we're getting someone else to assist," Santa said as he guided them not to the runway, but to another of the reindeer shelters, one some of them recognised. They pulled up outside, wondering what Santa had in mind as he got off and went back inside. A few tense minutes later, the old Saint reappeared, and behind him came Rudolph, his nose glowing brightly. Santa moved Rudolph to the front of the sleigh team, showing him the recent additions that would put him at the head of the team. Rudolph nodded and allowed himself to be harnessed.

With that done, Santa went back to his seat and gathered the reins, calling out to the team.

"On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen! And Rudolph, guide us all safely tonight!"


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Ninjewdi t1_j03b02u wrote

Was the rhyme intentional?

You all hated me as a kid and still do! You're only nice now cause I'm useful to you.


Anthro_DragonFerrite t1_j04yp3i wrote

I tried to read the responses, but the OG voice starts dubbing over and now I can't finish any of these.

Also, getting confused as to whether the authors are using a quadraped form or bipedal form.