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cloudactually t1_j1t6xwj wrote

Stepping off the bus, I had been dropped off at what looked like a giant block party.

Trash littered the streets, the smell of weed and booze permeated in the air, there were floats going by in the streets, each with a band playing music that wasn’t terrible- but admittedly, you could only dance to if you were drunk- and the women… well, there were babes as far as the eye could see. Topless babes.

I must have looked like a fish out of water. A girl with long black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a smile that ridded me of any of the social anxiety I would have normally felt in such a situation came prancing over.

“You must be new here.” She said, handing me a red cup and a joint.

“Where is here?” I asked. “Is this heaven? What did I do to get in to heaven?"

Suddenly, the party fell silent. My anxiety was back full force as all eyes were on me.

“Heaven?” She said. Her eyes softened. “Oh honey… This is hell”

Then, another fog came rolling through, and when it cleared, I was sitting at a desk that reminded me of my high school guidance counselors office-complete with a poster of a kitten clinging to a tree branch with the message ‘hang in there’ written beneath it.

A giant red figure handed me a manilla folder. They would have been terrifying if it weren’t for their palpable air of defeat, tired eyes and slumped shoulders.

They grumbled.

“Who did your intake? Lewis? Okay, that explains it. So, I think there’s been a misunderstanding…”