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ArbitraryChaos13 t1_j298pye wrote

I looked around, curiosity eventually giving way to worry. I'd been given the job of cleaning out Medusa's lair, taking all the statues away, all that stuff. There would probably be people who wanted to take over the area as land. I knew how people worked. They'd tell "the great tale of how they took this land from the terrifying monster," as if they'd ever swung a sword in their life.

This... wasn't what I'd signed up for, first of all. I considered for a good portion of time whether I should pull back, report what I'd found and leave the actual movement for someone else. But my curiosity prevailed and overcame what I could only imagine was my common sense trying to keep me safe-ish. So I made my way towards the cabin, gazing at the numerous statues.

What was odd was... there seemed to be two types of statues. One were the traditional "big shot heroes," swords, bows, axes, whatever their weapons of choice were. I'd heard stories, my friends heard stories, everyone had heard stories. They were all frozen in what you imagine when you hear about Medusa's stone gaze. Mid swing, shouts frozen forever in throats, petrified armor shielding cold skin.

But there were a few, and it was a remarkable few, that... weren't heroes. I almost felt I recognized one or two faces. Faces of people in repose, of people sitting or kneeling amongst stone- no, actually carved flowers. Someone made these very intentionally. There weren't faces of terror either. It seemed relaxed, often with faint smiles or such.

That's when I noticed the boxes. Not stone, either. These were wooden boxes. Out of curiosity I opened the closest one, a box by one of the heroes. There was a handwritten note in it, which I opened. It was the name of someone I didn't recognize, but the note said they were a hero of some sort. As a matter of fact, it listed a couple other things they'd done. They weren't a major hero like Achilles or... Hercules or whatever, but they'd saved a few villages.

The other boxes contained similar notes, at least in the heroes' cases. Those few that seemed happy were very different, though. While the heroes' notes were seemed to be written by the same person, those notes were written different styles, probably by different hands.

Those notes also had varying contents. Some talked about how they were just tired with the world. Others expressed a fear of death. Still others didn't want to grow old and withered, wanted to stay young and pristine forever. A rare few wanted to be reunited with family.

...They'd posed on purpose. They wanted Medusa to freeze them. Medusa had frozen mostly people who'd attacked her, but there were some who came here to intentionally to be petrified. I crouched by the last box I'd opened for a time, considering.

Then I stood up and turned towards the cabin.


foundcashdoubt OP t1_j29tvy4 wrote

That was good! Thanks for taking your time to write. It's not exactly what I wanted but that's part of the fun of creating a prompt. You never know what people will write. I appreciate immensely, you wrote a beautiful thing

Edit: I ran your text through a text generator and asked it to write me one of the letters. I hope you don't find this disrespectful.

It came up with the following:

Dear whoever may read this,

I am writing this letter to explain my decision to come to Medusa's lair and allow her to petrify me. I am not a hero like the others who have fallen victim to her gaze, but I am a warrior. I have fought in many battles, and I have seen firsthand the horrors of war.

I am tired of fighting. I am tired of the constant violence and death that surrounds me. I want to be frozen in this moment, to be spared from the horrors of the world. I do not fear death, but I fear what may come after it.

I do not want to grow old and weak, to watch my comrades fall and be unable to help them. I want to remain strong and youthful, forever ready to defend my people.

I know this may seem like a selfish decision, but it is one I have made with a clear mind. I do not regret it.

Farewell, Marcus


ArbitraryChaos13 t1_j2a26u2 wrote

I don't find it disrespectful, personally. I do really like the letter though! Thanks for the prompt!


ZebraGamer2389 t1_j2be61u wrote

Both of these nearly made me cry. Now I want to know what's in the cabin...