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That_Fable t1_j0m2kq8 wrote

My vision spotty and fading I clutched the arrow that had pierced my abdomen. Restlessly disabled, my body had fallen slowly from the wall it thought to be a stationary salvation; I knew my time was nigh upon it's final curtain.

I spattered blood from my mouth, gasping for words of power and sanctity.

The sounds of clashing metal and mortal souls fleeing their earthly bounds rang through my ears, slowly diminishing to a wonderous silence as my eyes closed for the last time. This temple we fought so valiantly to protect shall be my tomb. It's goddess forsakes us all.

With words upon deaf ears I let one last prayer escape my lips, a hopeless plea from a dying fool, "Oh father of the abyss, Tartarus, as a man condemned and tossed aside I come to you in my dying moment. Give me strength," my limbs began to grow numb with the expulsion of blood, "Allow me another day in this world. Bless unto me the powers of your mystical ways and allow me to serve your will."

As you wish

A voice, Deep and deadly, echoed through my flesh sending a great chill throughout my body, bringing back a vigor I thought never to experience again. my pooled blood began to seep it's way back into me.

Forsaken, are you?

The arrow I had been clutching for eons now snapped in my hands and fell away quietly clattering to the marble I thought to be my pyre.

Yes. Forsaken you are. You shall be an excellent acolyte to my cause. Go forth my child. Win this day in the name of me. Your blade will never dull, your skin never pierced. Send these heathens to me. Grant upon them the same destiny that you once feared for yourself.

I stood. rejuvenated almost at once. The words fed me, breeding a new spirit within myself. I clutched my longsword in my off hand, it felt natural when it should have been awkward. I had changed and was alive!

This power you are feeling, it is mine alone to give. You are now my emissary. And you will do my bidding.

The returning sounds of a losing battle alerted me to my task. It is time to make the sacrifice required of me.

"As you wish."