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duchess_of_erat t1_j1zzrx4 wrote

"There's a group of nineteen year Olds on the ghats of Varanasi who would be more productive in a week than you dumbfucks are in a week! Beggars in Beijjng have better numbers" Shrieked the manager at the top of his lungs.

In his hands was a file, probably containing this quarter's numbers.

"What the duck is a vanasasi?" Murmured Chris while trying his best to avoid the manager's eyeline.

"Vara-nasi" I whispered back. "In India. It's like a holy city or something. Old folks like going there to die. Supposed to get them into heaven"

"Do you dipshits have something to say?" Screamed the manager, turning more and more crimson with every passing second.

"Well.... sir.... I mean..... those countries have a much denser population......and ......I mean...... you know......" I trailed away.

"OH! Would you like to explain that to the CEO, mother fucker? Until numbers pick up, overtime is cancelled for all of you idiots. Understood?" He said before huffing and puffing out of the conference room.

All the ground workers gathered around in a circle.

"Any new ideas?"

"The hospitals still have banned us. Those damned new laws. One idiot hooks up the system to the NICU and suddenly all patients are out of limits "

"The old folks home kicked me out for suggesting we take consent from people with Alzheimers"

"All we have, are people who have signed over their body energy atleast one year prior to their death"

"I read an article that said some people were killing homeless people to harvest energy."

The manager walked back into the conference room.

"Listen up guys. I want to remind you that I'll be leaving for my year end vacation tomorrow. When I return, I want the numbers to be doubled. Don't forget, you can always sign up your family for a discount"

"Sir......if you don't mind us asking...... you and your family? Someone said slowly

"Why the fuck would I ever do that?" He yelled.

I guess even in death workers are worth less