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beginnerwriteralt t1_j23kwqz wrote

PART 2 OF 3 (Begins with small time skip)

“Ready to go?” Rickey asked, “Yes, of course, let me grab my things.” “No problem, I’ll put this stuff up real quick.” Rickey replied, gathering the dishes, wondering if there was any point going to the Rooftop Bar after having drinks. One of the privileges of living downtown he thought, everything within walking distance. Rickey was caught in a trance, staring out at the city lights, taking in its beauty, wondering what everyone else had going on in their lives down below, a sharp yelp followed by a “Goddamnit” broke him free and he ran to the living room alarmed, “What happened Ana?” He looked down and seen crimson flowing out of Ana’s foot, a small wound, but it had split her sock and caused quite a stream. “I- I don’t know.” She said, now sitting on the ground nursing her right foot. “I’ll grab the first-aid kit.” “Thank you, Rickey.” She replied, he stared at her, she was still beautiful, her bottom lip bit, gulping as she gazed at the blood, he stopped and grabbed the kit, starting to tend to her, he grabbed a disinfectant wipe and a large band-aid, “This might sting.” He said. Ana grabbed a handful of her own shirt in anticipation but it proved futile, he could see the color flush from her face the moment he made contact with the wound. She didn’t say anything, only winced, the alcohol in her system was helping.

“You should be good now.” Rickey said as he finished up. She started to stand and began walking, gingerly. “Want to me to call you an Uber? I think we’ve had enough alcohol for one night.” He asked, “Yes, that’ll do, sorry about all this.” “It’s not your fault, I didn’t clean up Trey’s mess completely, I’ll make this up to you, on the next date of course.” Rickey said with a smile, maneuvering through the app on his phone. “You’re lucky I already decided you could have another date before this, Rickey.” She smiled. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be too sure.” She continued. Rickey let out a chuckle, “Thanks.” They waited for a moment before Rickey’s phone pinged, “Your ride will be here soon.” He said. “Great, we should probably head to the elevator then.” She replied, “Care to carry me?” She continued in a taunting tone. “Of course I will.” He replied with a smirk.



beginnerwriteralt t1_j23lbsk wrote


Trey watched as the front door opened and revealed Rickey, home from another date night with Ana, it had been a few weeks since that last, however, Rickey seemed different, his face garmented a deadpan expression, his movement seemed slow and his gaze was completely unaimed, Trey could smell even the smallest amount of liquor from a mile away, It was part of his nature, it was clear to him Rickey had, had some drinks, however Trey sensed he wasn’t intoxicated to a large degree, something else must be afoot. “C’mere Trey, let me take you outside.” Rickey’s voice travelled with little emotion, Trey listened though, he hadn’t gone on a long walk in quite some time, Rickey hadn’t been treating him like normal for the past few weeks, after a few years it was odd to Trey, not having to hear about Rickey’s day or girl problems at least once in a while. Rickey latched the leash around Trey’s collar and started outside, first to the elevator, then once they reached the first floor they began walking through bustling downtown, not something quite uncommon but Trey had learned these walks often lasted longer, something he would never oppose. “Y’know something Trey.” Rickey started, as they crossed a street absent of cars, Trey seemed to freeze for a second, taking an apparent double take, It had been a while since Rickey talked to Trey like normal, The dog filled with giddiness as he at last heard his friend again. “I just don’t understand it bud.” Rickey continued, “Maybe I never will…”

They continued, Trey began taking in the night time city view, the lights, the people, all something he didn’t see often, but now that he was enveloped in it realized how intriguing it was. Trey realized they were on the opposite side of the road they usually ended up on, but it was a minuscule detail, it lead to the same place. They began to approach an alley way that was on their right, something Rickey had never really seen up-close, he didn’t know why he changed his routine, but he did, he’s walked the beginning of this route countless times, and countless times found himself on the opposite side of the street at this point in the path. It was quiet at this part of the street, no one near them, they had gotten past the hectic part of downtown, the sound of wind scraping trash and debris into the corners of the dark street was louder than the faded voices and music behind them, a siren wailed in the distance but soon meshed in with the rest of the dulled noise. Now is as good a time as any Trey thought to himself, “Why don’t you talk with me anymore?” Trey said. Rickey froze, his mouth falling open, it was now his turn to do a double take. “What?” He asked, for most people hearing the voice of a long time friend was nothing new, for Rickey it was now dumbfounding, “W- What?” He asked again, he was drunk but that couldn’t explain his inability to think right now. “I said, why don’t you talk with me anymore, Rickey, I miss it y’know, hearing about your day, and arguing with you over the dumb stuff, you haven’t been the same recently.” Trey responded. Rickey let out a bark of laughter, he felt insane but he played along, “I don’t know man, just felt weird after long enough, especially once Ana pointed it out.” He told Trey. Trey paused before responding, sniffing some garbage on the ground, he could feel the dampness of the alley seeping into paws, “Speaking of her, how are things going?” “Things are going great, too good actually, but I just can’t understand it, I just can’t stop thinking of her… what did she do to me… “ Rickey replied, starting into the alley, he didn’t know what drew him in, maybe it was the welcoming darkness, the security of not being seen once inside, maybe it would be easier to talk with no possible way to be judged in the shadows, as he continued forward he caressed the rough bricks with his fingertips searching, he could feel the grime that had fused with the concrete pulling at his shoes with each step that he took, he didn’t care, the darkness felt inviting and he new Trey would hold no opposition. “Wanna check out this alley Trey?” “Of course, thought you’d never ask.” Trey replied, “Why don’t you just focus on Ana? No point in focusing on the past, she’s in your past, and she always will be, Rickey.” He continued. “I know, Trey, but I can’t explain it, It confuses me more than you… I- I just miss it, I miss everything about it.” Rickey replied. “If you can’t explain it, there’s no need in trying to, Ana’s perfect for you, I know you’ll make the smart decisions, lets head home it reeks here and I can’t stand walking on soggy garbage.” “You’re right, Trey.”

“Goodnight, Rickey”

“Goodnight, Man”

“Hey Bud, wanna go to park?” Rickey asked, his personality finally back to normal the next morning.

“Sure.” Trey replied.

“W- Wait… You’re… You’re real?”


Hopefully you enjoyed if you made it this far, sorry about the mess of multiple parts, might’ve been a tad too long for Reddit to allow in 1 post