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KCJHutchins t1_j0shakg wrote

"This isn't a power." The young man argued to a taller female.

She was of immense size, easily doubled his height. Her skin was covered in scales and fingers replaced by claws. Her glare could make the heartbeat of a lion stop and her roar could make a croc dive under water for cover. At present time she was picking her sharp teeth with her claws while chiding her student.

"Yes, it is if you've got a brain. I've taught you better than that. Besides, this is just the first one. You get another one at 21."

"Yeah, but you taught me to use martial arts and sword fighting. What use is affluence?"

"Oh, there's a use. You're just being stupid as usual and not thinking about it. I'm sure it will come to you later Slone. Don't bother me until it does." She waved him off before disappearing in a blur.

There he was left alone with this thought. Punching the wall out of annoyance and anger. She always talked down to him and he hoped he could finally be her equal today, but it was his own fault really. He pestered and begged her to take him on as a student... so far so he risked his own life to do it. Now, was his chance to prove himself. Stupid power or not. His brain raced as he made his way home.

Wrapped up in his thoughts, he was almost home when his phone dinged. One of the channels he liked on Clock Shock posted a new video. This time something about setting buzzers on people's doorknobs and watching them come home to it. It was childish, but it made him laugh. Astounding, how such a concept was raking in so many views. Even more mindboggling was the fact this channel got paid to show such simple things. I mean he could do the same with a camera and a...

The thought rang in his brain. Affluence huh? Taking very little time, he signed into his account to create his first video. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he needed to test his theory. The record button was hit and all he said was "Hi" before ending the video.

That's it. There was nothing else to it. Surely, he'd be proven wrong right?

Yet his phone pinged again and again and again. One thousand views in under a minute coupled with a message from the platform to monetize with them.

Making money is so easy. With funds like this I could live an easy life and finance in whatever I wanted to do. I could start a business, purchase stocks, or I could...

Another light bulb went off in his brain. He searched through his contacts and found Generys's name.

"What do you want kid? I'm kind of busy here." His teacher said sipping some sort of liquid.

A small smile formed on his lips as he said, "I figured it out teach."