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im_not_a-writer t1_j0trblh wrote

"Gosh it's bright"

Opening my eyes at first all I can make out is a bright light and a moving shadow. Adjusting to the room I can make out that the walls are metal, I'm on a table, but not surgical or... exam? Just a table that feels like it was rushed into 'bed' status for this occasion.

"Ah! You're awake. I'm so pleased!"

Sizing up the creature I notice that it's about 1.5m tall, seems to be thin built. However, moving around the room is a certain grace. They flow from spot to spot as though floating over the ground.

"I searched planet after planet for the perfect one! You're everything I had hoped for!"

"What exactly are you, where am I, and what do you MEAN I'm the "perfect one?!"

"Ah, yes, the orientation. I am obviously not from your planet, we are a race of beings that have been traveling the cosmos in search of the most pure expressions of art. Having explored many planets and cultures, the highest form of artistic expression we have found is dance. In a few cycles from now we will arrive at the universe's largest soiree. As one of the best dancers on your planet, I would like nothing more than your honor as my dance partner. With your wonderful emotional portrayals, it is certain the your planet will become a sought after destination of the arts. I realize this is a lot to take in, and I understand that you're afraid. Please know that I, no none of us will attempt to force you to do anything. The pursuit of dance is the most spiritual force to us. It has brought peace to billions of planets in millions of galaxies. Should you accept my invitation and perform with me, the opportunities for your people cannot possibly be calculated. The information and cultures of an entire universe would be opened up to your planet. The abilities of space travel, solar orbital spheres for energy, genetic advancements for medicine. The benefits could be countless."

After his rapid fire speech, that was obviously rehearsed I just stared back at him.

The entire world, and I'm the best dancer? My family has always found me to be uncoordinated at best, outright dangerous at worst. Music and me have literally never mixed...

"So, what exactly made you choose me? On my planet I wouldn't rate as a dancer, let alone the best."

"This is my favourite part! Yes, according to your own peoples, and cultures, you may not find yourself that coordinated, as you say. However, to us, the only importance of dance is the pure emotional expression. Your movements tell us of your joys, of your pains. You always show exactly the emotions running through your body while you move. It is intoxicating watching you."

"How long exactly were you watching me?"

In what seemed like shame, he shifted.

"I've been studying your planet for approximately 3,000 of your solar cycles. You personally have been on my monitor for a large portion of your life, and it has been intoxicating to watch you grow."

Well, that wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, but then again, what would have been okay?

"Alright, so you want me to go to a big party, with you, and dance. And if I do this, my entire planet will somehow be added to your galactic empire?"

"Exactly! So you'll do it?"

"I'm still not convinced I have a choice. You literally plucked me out of my home while I was sleeping, and I can't even be sure we're in space, let alone heading to the universe's biggest dance club. Beyond that, I have no reason to believe you have any ability to offer the things you claim. Sure you seem quite impressive to me right now, but how do I know of "trillions of planets" you have any sway with someone that could leap-frog my people thousands if not millions of years forward? So far as I can tell you're a weird creep that stares at a planet and takes people away, apparently to dance. If you are who you claim to be, why not just show up on the surface, explain the desires of your people and invite us to choose our representative? How do I know you're not looking for me to ruin the planet's reputation with my attempt? No, I think I will refuse your offer. If you are as noble as you say, I would prefer to be returned to my planet. If you are not, then none of this conversation mattered anyway."

"I see, you are certainly within your rights to refuse, I will not bother you again, but your planet will still be watched. I've waited this long to find a partner, I will wait for the next one to come around."


Again with the bright lights! As my eyes adjust I can make out a throng of beings, moving around in time to an incredibly weird beat. The melody of the music is unlike anything I've heard before. As I listen more to the music I feel myself starting to move.


It's been at least 3 days, the music never stops. The dancing never stops. We've all gotten to know one another over the days, as it turns out most of them have been here longer than they can recall. The dancing never ends, no one ever leaves, and no one ever dies.