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KylewRutar t1_j10jxxn wrote

"Man, taking out the garbage is always a big hassle," I say. "There's always so much to carry out."

"I totally get that," Monica replies. "Getting rid of all the useless, good for nothing trash always takes a lot out of me."

"I wouldn't have expected a crime boss to have to move a lot of trash."

"Oh you mean actual trash!" She replies, chuckling. "No, when I say trash I mean folks who are on our bad side. People who borrowed money and never paid it back, rivals trying to push into our terf, rats who squeal to the cops, that sort of thing."

"Oh," I say, wide eyed. "That does sound like a lot."

"Eh, what are you gonna do?" She asks. "All part of the game. But hey, I'm not about to let work talk spoil our date. How have you been? Your landlord still giving you grief?"

"Uh, no, actually, he hasn't." I tell her. "He actually calmed down a lot recently, he even said he wasn't going to raise my rent..."

The realization suddenly hits me.

"Wait a minute..."


"Did you do something to my landlord?" I ask. "Did you threaten him?"

"What? Me?" she says, clutching her chest. "You really think I would go to all the trouble of having my boys rough up your landlord just because he was giving my sweet pea a hard time?"

"Well, I guess-"

"Because that is exactly what I did."


"Hey, he was being a total asshole," She replies. "And I'm not about to let someone talk to my shmoopie like that."

I cant exactly think of anything to say. On the one hand, she had just threatened my landlord with bodily harm, all for my sake...Though on the other hand, my landlord was a bit of a dick...

"I guess..."

"Come on, shmoopie, out with it..."

"I guess not paying more in rent wont...kill me."

"There he is," Monica replies, smiling. "Atta boy. You just keep giving me all the pizza I want and we'll be just fine."

"I hope you don't think you'll be getting free food just because you're dating the chef."

"Wha!" She exclaims with a smile. "After all that I don't even get free pies?"

"Okay, fine, you can have some for free," I reply with a smirk. "Just make sure to tip."


carnotaurussastrei t1_j12kxp4 wrote

Marvellous, it’s even better if you read it in a stereotypical Italian accent.


LordLovesGingers t1_j110430 wrote

I double checked my everything. My suit, my hair, my breath. I hadn't had a date in so long since my high-school girlfriend decided to cheat on me with multiple guys. I threw myself into my mom and dads pizzeria. Eventually they died in a car accident and I inherited everything. All was going well until I was taking out the trash and I saw her.

She was absolutely beautiful. Her hair, her face, her blood. Wait what? I looked at her again and saw a bullet hole in her side. I instantly ran to her and offered to call an ambulance.

Through gritted teeth she said no hospital and no police. They would be looking for her. So I took it upon myself to help he as best I could.

After managing to extracte the bullet, we just sat and talked for hours. She was impressed with the fact that I was just 25 years old but managing my own business. When I asked about her occupation, she straight up admitted that she was the head of our local mafia family, the Ricci family. All good things must come to an end unfortunately. She needed to get back to her family and I needed to finish cleaning up. I walked her out to the door where she surprised me with a kiss to the cheek. I like to think I surprised her back when I asked her for a date but her smile said she was expecting me to.

The clock on the wall chimed 8 times. Time to meet up with her. I rather quickly say a prayer for everything to go right. As soon as I open the door she was standing right there. Long black dress, hair perfectly styled, very little makeup. One look and she was not crime boss Sofia Ricci, but a beautiful woman ready for a date with the luckiest man in the world.


WillCuddle4Food t1_j14jc5y wrote

"Angela, I'm so sorry I'm late..." I muttered as I slid into the booth. It felt horrible to take her to somewhere atrocious like Waffle House, but it was payday. The account was always a bit slim after everyone got their dues. "Work was hell today. Hopefully yours was better?"

My olive-skinned date sat across from me, dressed to the nines and with a calculated smile on her lips as she sipped her coffee. "Don't worry, Tony. I could tell it was a rough one by the line of pizza sauce on your neck."

As she leaned forward and dabbed her napkin at the protruding line, I felt my face flush. She had the incredible knack for being so disarming, and yet so charming and enthralling. I couldn't help but fidget and lean in just so she could finish faster. That way her dignity would be unimpeded again sooner.

Her smile shifted into a knowing smirk as she leaned back into her side of the booth and took the menu. "So, tell me about it." A pause was offered so I could figure out what she meant. When there was nothing, she scoffed in amusement before looking me in the eye with those hazel beauties. "I mean the customer that made you late. Seems like they had you all kinds of upset."

"Ah..." I deflated slightly while avoiding her gaze. She made it all seem so easy. The confidence that matches skyscrapers, the composure as vast as oceans. Nothing could ruffle her feathers. And still, she wanted to hear about my struggles. "It...was a mom hosting a birthday- a teenager sleepover. No call ahead. No online order. Showed up five minutes before closing and demanded a half dozen pies with all these customizations. I wasn't going to make the cashier or anyone put up with the attitude, so I let them leave on time. The lady didn't even tip..."

Angela's smile faded as she leaned in. She held up her hand to dismiss our server that just walked up and uttered a smooth "three minutes, darling. He's talking me into an appetizer." Her stare was piercing and intense. It sent a chill through my bones while my heart was aflutter. "You still use that one app I recommended for processing your card payments, right?"

I nodded, not wanting to sour the pending meal further.

"Alright. Well, tonight's on me." She said, offering a look that demanded my compliance. It was an offer I couldn't refuse, after all.

Once our server returned, Angela ordered our food generously, getting far more for me than I'd intended. Her stern expression softened as she took my hand in hers. "Tony, you're a sweet guy and don't deserve that at all. I'd like to have my accountant look over your books to help. He's freaking magic and has a knack for pulling coins out from behind your ear. I also know a guy that can do some advertising for you. His brother does staffing for when your business grows."

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. Dinner was one thing, but all of this additional help she was offering seemed over the top. She wasn't asking for anything in return! I'd told her the shop meant a lot to me, especially since my grandfather built it from the ground up, but it had always fought hard to stay afloat. Old fashioned word of mouth was what kept it alive.

"This all sounds great, dear, but aren't you being too generous?" I asked, shifting in my seat nervously.

She beamed, as if waiting for that very question. "Not at all, dear. You've been wonderful to me and all my family. My cousins have been going to your shop for years. Your smile whenever you'd spin the dough is what had me fall in love with you. If my family business can help your family business, I will. I want to see that smile again."

"Angie... what...what is your family business?" I probed, giving her hand a squeeze. She always evaded answering, but all this help demanded I know more. I had to understand the deals I was making.

She sighed lightly as she gripped my hand back. She saw the server was busy behind the counter and leaned in. "It's not exactly...above water, if you catch my drift. Comes with the Capone name. But we've grown since the Forties. It's not all dark dealings and knockin' off people. We just...think a lot of the rules are wrong and treat them like suggestions."

"You're part of the Mafia?"

"I AM the Mafia, Tony." She breathed deep. With another squeeze of my hand, she continued. "And I am not trying to get you into the Mafia. Just trying to take care of the man I love."

"Then what's going on?"

"We take care of family. It's the one rule that's kept us together." She insisted, pulling her free hand into her purse and pulling out a little box. "And I want you to be family so I can protect you. Marry me, Tony."


AutoModerator t1_j10es33 wrote

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