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AutoModerator t1_j13p8kw wrote

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>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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[deleted] t1_j147v6c wrote

    Some people just want to watch the world burn, I am one of those people. 

    “The plan is ready sir.” Said my henchman, “The factories will be shutdown by 5 PM today, this will surely cause an economic crisis which will leave the rich in power and the poor out of it.” 

      All according to plan I thought to myself. In truth I despised democracy, the elections were rigged. The only way to achieve power nowadays were through what some people call ‘Unlawful’ means, but in truth it’s entirely lawful! I very legally purchased all those factories, and I can lay off all those workers. It will be a cold winter, mass unemployment, no coal or energy for homes, all except for us higher class. All the unemployed who survive winter will flock to my factories to empower me further.

 5:15 PM - Global News, 

Today in the United States 37.9 Million are now unemployed after a mass firing from the unknown corporation who recently acquired nearly 68% of all fossil fuel energy companies in the United States. Many are outraged, but no one knows who bought out the companies.

  8:30 PM - Global News,

After current US president criticised the coal market and called the recently layer off poor buffoons, many people started trying to improve quality of life. Company GreenTec has opened 40 Million high paying entry level & engineering. These jobs provided by GreenTec will make up for the lost factory jobs, and catapult the world into a more connected greener future. Social groups who still held jobs have also joined this battle and have created dorms and kitchens for any unemployed to stay. This shows what a few words of motivation can do, president Goldsmith is being praised by workers unions, climate activists, and the general public. We as a society will enter a more connected, and eco friendly society, this is Jim Murphy signing off.



AgileBasil t1_j14dqv9 wrote

It is almost done. The Union is on the brink of collapse. The partys are breaking themselfes from within almost as furious as they are attacking each other. It took surprisingly long but representatives have started to vote against their own president. The first three imeachments were unsuccessful but the next will relieve the head of state of their duties. The chaos in Washington is absolute.

It's time for the final blow of evil.

The sitting president has corrupted their way to the top. People loved the stupid shit they were doing and elected them against their own best interest. They were born into generational wealth. Soon head of a unsuspecting NASDAQ corporation and Governor of state. Being relentlessly populistic it was a easy path to presidency.

Once the President, there was no reason to hold back any longer.They spent the first three years of their term to bankrupt the US. Blowing up the budgets of very "unnecessary" agencies. The EPA would in their eyes soon ruin the economies of coal and oil states. The train companies are now building infrastructure that nobody could ever need. The beautiful and spacious suburbs are being built into dense urban housing simultaneously killing off the downtowns.

Nobody thought it possible to reck this havoc in this short of a time. But the final blow of evil is still coming.

"Dear citicens of the united states!" The President started the press conference that could be their last. "We had a hard start and many crises the last year." They remarked smugly as they comtemplated the trouble caused. "But bear with me a little longer. I have found the solution to all our financial problems. The best solution. A great solution. The one and only solution. My solution." They marveled at the idea that in their mind would break the american people and the american economy. "Coming next week, cars will be forbidden to drive from 5 am to 10 pm. This will give our stressed system resolution from the fiscally depressing subsidies." The President heard the mumbling in the crowd of journalists. They imagined even if an impeachment would start tomorrow it would take months to reverse this destruction. "To facilitate this change, the tax on gas will be same as the states sales tax. Police will stop everyone driving and ticket them 10 percent of their monly income. Inractions will also mean impounding the car."

The remainder of the press conference was a frency of questions. Nobody could expect that harsh a cut in freedom in the country of the free.

The next day was the calmest the USA has seen for over a century. Surprisingly, the rail services have stepped up their game. Everywhere in the country the trams and busses were surring around. People took to the empty streets with bikes, strollers and everything they possesed.

(My real live train arrived. Gotta stop typing.)


Racecarlock t1_j14qced wrote

President Gerald Darryl Hotchkins grew up in a pretty average nuclear family. He was taught pretty firmly what was right and wrong. Taxation is theft, universal healthcare is communism, civil rights were communism, look, a lot of things were communism back when Gerald was growing up. And there was something else Gerald experienced growing up. Reagan era toy selling cartoons. Little Gerald was obsessed with saturday morning cartoon villains. Lex Luthor, Skeletor, Megatron, Starscream, all of them were evil, and all of them were having a great time right up until the hero defeated them. And Gerald wanted in. He wanted chaos. He wanted evil. He wanted destruction.

So, Gerald ran for president. And he ran on everything he was taught was good. Taxation is theft, civil rights are just an excuse people use to riot, universal healthcare is communism (ah, the more things change...), and he was going to bring america back to greatness! At least, that's what he told everyone.

As soon as he got in with his party having a house and senate majority as a bonus, the chaos began. First stop, implementing universal healthcare! Yes, this would throw the whole medical system into chaos! And for a moment, it looked like his plans were paying off. News reports talking about the president's sudden radical politics, podcasters and talk radio hosts freaking out, hell, he even told a bunch of protestors to suck his dick.

And this was only the start. The next thing would totally ruin america. A massive expansion of voting rights! Yesssss, this would allow the illegal immigrants he was hearing about so much to skew elections! Not only that, behold, a massive increase in polling locations! Yes, those minorities he heard about destroying the country will surely drive america off a cliff into drugs and gang violence!

And then, of course, the lynch pin of his plan. Civil Rights. Surely the gays and the blacks and the women with colored hair would lead the country straight down a path of degeneracy and weakness. Behold! A bill massively entrenching and solidifying civil rights more than any bill had previously! This would have the country in flames.

His party went along with everything he did, even as they often gave each other nervous glances and looks of worry behind his back. Yes, the administration was going swimmingly. America was doomed. DOOMED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

4 years later, Gerald was absolutely confused. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He had implemented everything he was taught was communism, was constructed by hippies who hate america. The stuff he put in place was supposed to lead to outright ruination! Degeneracy! Socialism! Communism! What the hell had gone wrong, he'd even heavily taxed corporations as good measure to totally destroy the place! He'd legalized weed! How had that not destroyed everything?

And yet america was... great. Medical services were available and cheap, weed was affordable and available everywhere, people got the jobs they wanted to get, everyone could vote easily, tolerance of all peoples was at an all time high, hell, "reckless government spending" had led to the early discoveries of fusion and a cure for cancer. He had wiped student loan debt and massively increased social spending, thinking it would make people dependent on the government. But as luck would have it, his massive and sweeping restrictions on police brutality that he thought would lead america into a hellhole of gang violence combined with the increase in social spending had actually made people feel safer than ever when protesting. And his massive limitations on corporate spending on politics (with the intent of stifling innovation and growth) had made people feel like they had more of a voice than ever.

He didn't understand. This was supposed to destroy america. This was ALL supposed to destroy america. What had happened?! What went wrong? Sure, the rednecks hated him, but big deal, rednecks hated everyone. Recent polls had him as best president ever, what the hell even happened?

It was the beginning of his second term after a massive, avalanche win for both himself and his party. It was time for his victory speech. He got up on stage, and cleared his throat.

"What the hell did I do wrong?! This was supposed to destroy america! Universal Healthcare was supposed to destroy america! Civil Rights were supposed to lead to a hellhole gangland! Voting rights were supposed to destroy elections! The devil's lettuce was supposed to suck out america's soul! WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

The crowd burst out laughing. In addition to yet another bump in the polls, he was voted comedian of the year that year. He is trapped in a hell of his own making. The good news is, it's heaven for everyone else. America has become the world's poster child for opportunity, human rights, technological innovation, and efficient and effective healthcare.

Isn't it fun to dream, my friends? Isn't it fun to dream?


Polymersion t1_j160qkw wrote

I glared at the television.

The news networks were singing my praises, or at least that was how it felt. I had gotten opinion news outlawed as one of my first acts, so that they couldn't make me look bad before I put my plans in motion, but that had backfired. All the news outlets I'd been hoping to bribe were the ones that got sued into oblivion under the new laws. And now all the remaining networks did was talk about how my policies had saved a dying country, and the infuriating part was that the fact-checkers agreed.

I turned off the television. Where was the drama? There was supposed to be fighting and lies to keep everyone busy and not talking about all the boring policies. My wife looked over at me, a soft smile on her face. "Still thinkin' about the car bans? I'm sure it'll make a mess eventually!"

She could always tell when I was unhappy. I gave her a forced smile back, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "That's part of it. People are loving the busses, giving out food should've killed the grocery stores by now, and opening up the borders didn't scare as many people as it was supposed to. I swear, it's some sort of plot to stop me getting anything done. Probably led by the Communists." I spat the last word, images of dirty hippies taunting me. I hated them, and I hated that they were outplaying me. They were supposed to be the scapegoats.

She snuggled up to me, calming my rage for the moment. I loved that woman. She wasn't very bright, especially about policy, but she supported my schemes and she believed in me. Her voice was a bit muffled by my chest when she spoke again. "Well, it only really takes one big thing to tear a country apart. I'm sure you'll get it eventually. Maybe doing a basic income scheme will work better than raising the wages? Everybody knows if you pay people to stay home they'll all get lazy and everything will fall apart."

I laughed, having tuned out her little ideas halfway through. She wasn't very bright, but I loved her anyways. I stroked my chin, the edges of a new scheme forming. What I needed to counteract the immigration wave was to make people lazy. Maybe if I started some sort of basic income program...


evann_lowe t1_j17nt9v wrote

It was time for the last resort. I called in my PA and told her to ready Plan T. With slight surprise, she hurried out the Oval Office closing the door behind her.

Not even twenty minutes went by when I received the phone call, “Sir, SEAL Team 6 are in the chicken’s coop, I repeat, SEAL Team 6 are in the chicken’s coop. Proceed with mission?”

With slight hesitation, I replied with an ironically confident “yes” and the mission was a go.

SEAL Team 6 would infiltrate Osama bin Laden’s compound and initiate a deal with him and al Qaeda that would allow full command over the entire US Army and US Marine Corps in hope for mass destruction and chaos.

A few days go by and headlines follow, “Osama bin Laden has been seen flying a Boeing CH-47 Chinook over New York, dropping what seems to be $100 bills with “Go buy someone flowers” written all over them.”

And to much surprise, world hunger was ended, violence dropped to an all-time low and people seemed over-all happier.

Maybe Plan U could finally cause the world end?


OriVerda t1_j17y06w wrote

After months of planning and campaigning I get to enact my revenge for the humiliation my ancestral homeland suffered at the hands of the US invasion decades ago. With glee, I watched as the deadly neurotoxin was loaded onto the missile which would disperse the vile substance in the atmosphere. Millions would die, a just revenge at long last.

Except that isn't what happened, it turns out one of my goons forgot to put the vial in the cooler to keep it from mutating. By the time it was released, the toxin had evolved and began to repair the hole in the ozone, undoing years of global warming.
Not much of a writer, just wanted an excuse to write "deadly neurotoxin".