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Deathpaloma t1_izoeogb wrote

Everyone has their passions and hobbies. My passion was always to kill, now before you get all spooked, and start thinking of me as some sort of animal that can't control himself or a master mind of crime like Hannibal Lecter, don't. I am just a regular guy, like any other, except that what I love is to kill, the sensation of power, is inebriating, I can kill in almost any way, but my favorite has always been to stab people, the warmth of their blood on my hands and body, watching as the life slowly leaves the body it is just thrilling.

Unfortunately for me I am just a regular guy at the time living in Kansas, USA... well needless to say I got caught pretty fast. There was only Meredith, Samantha, Richard and Amy. Ah Amy she was I cop, maybe that's too generous, she was a fresh out of the academy police officer that caught me stabbing Richard to death, she was very pretty, and young, usually younger than I would kill. See I have a rule never kill anyone younger than 23 or older than 55, I told you I am not a monster.

Well Amy was an exception and unfortunate one, it was self-defense I promise, she had her gun pointed at me, there was nothing I could do. I told her to leave, she didn't well and that was that.

They arrested me, but in a lucky turn of events the bus they were using to take me to prison got into an accident and I managed to scape, and whilst on the run I came across this ranch. Owned by this man Lennard he was an Everest enthusiast had reached the summit once in his life when he was young and was dying to do it again he said, however he was trapped in a wheelchair, we made a deal, he got me out of the country and I would get him to the summit.

He wasn't a particularly rich man, but he also didn't expect to come back from his trip, so we sold his ranch and all of his belongings and just to cut the story short he smuggled me out of the country and into Nepal, was not a very pleasant place, very cold but you get used to it, once there I helped him to climb, he had barely any movement on hist legs and it took us too much time, see I had planned to steal lennards identity, but someone better came along, a sweet man, american, named Jeremy that was a guide to the mountain, not a hole lot of people knew him and he had a similar built to mine... if I twiked some things, you see Jeremy was a good man and he decided to help us in our undertaking, he help me to basically carry the old men up the mountain. Well you are an experienced climber so you must know how difficult it is to climb this mountain even on your own, let alone carring someone... so unfortunately neither of them got to the summit, sadly the old men died halfway up the mountain, one night at the camp. And after that I convinced Jeremy to help me to carry his corpse to the summit, he was so naive. We left the camp carrying the body telling our sad story, how Lennard had been loke a father to me and that was his dying wish. As soon as we were alone, I mean obviously most climbers were way faster than us, I dropped myself in the snow Jeremy came to check on me and I stabbed him. Using a knife with these cloves not easy and Jeremy whe he noticed foght back well needless to say who won. I took his clothes and jeremy fell to his demise and the old men, well I carried him into a corner out of the track and left him there. It was a huge risk to take, but I stayed up there for a while until it was almost night... It was horrible I nearly froze to death, then I dragged myself back to camp hurt and with some frostbite. Telling a tale of misfortune were the man I was guiding, what I great man that was, even when night fell he still wanted to take Lennard up the mountain I told him it was a crazy and reckless idea. But he wouldn't listen, the night fell a d the wind was too strong, he tripped and fell. I tried to save him and nearly died myself. It was truly tragic, and everyone bought it.

I have been Jeremy for the last 5 years now, the pay check as a guide isn't amazing but I can get by, and you know how deadly this mountain can be, it's not uncommon for people to go missing every now and then. Everyhing was fine until you came along and started digging....

To be continued