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SnooDucks6523 t1_j0ys6uv wrote

We were the perfect family, loving husband, amazing wife and a dog, simple and pure living on a ranch out in upstate new york. It was a simple life, we were the perfect family so there was no need for kids. when the church goers asked if we were planning on having any we simply shook our heads and pointed to the dog. A perfect family doesnt have any problems, or so ive been told, yet every day at dusk and dawn a foul grumbling comes from the basement. Sure we were perfect but even perfection can crack like a old mirror. Yet time to feed the wretched beast in the basement came every day, more a chore than anything else, we told everyone we had no kids because the perfect family has none. And yet every time they see the dog they ask if we have kids or plan to, as the perfect family we deny the existence or plausibility of children. We only have a dog after all, the perfect family has no kids, as kids are nothing but dogs that take more tending. We hear as our dog whines in almost human language but whippings generally halt any progress made. Perfect families have no children, only dogs.