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Aftel43 t1_j0wzfg7 wrote

(Oh no, oh why, THIS was not the outcome I wanted with my prank, Oh god) Isade thinks as she runs through woods. Her transformation spell has hit the territory's lord instead of his unfit and ill-behaving lackey. Unfortunately, after running for a hour. She is almost out of stamina and she just barely can hear dogs being unleashed and town bell being rang.

She takes a quick break then starts jogging but, it is only delaying. A hunter and it's dog catch up to her. A throwing dagger leaves the hunter's hand and flies in the air towards Isade's right leg a loud cling of a two metals hitting each other is heard both hunter and prey look in pure astonishment around them.

While somebody from an unknown position readies another arrow and holds in the pull hand another arrow. Hunter unleashes the dog and second arrow flies out impales the dog's heart and before the hunter could mutter a word, third arrow sticks into his shoulder and enters deep. Isade gets new strength from this and starts running.

(Whoever just shot those, thank you so much) Isade thinks as she continues running and as sun is going down she arrives on a border of the territories owned by different lords. She is spent but, last hope is crossing the border. She can barely hear it again but, those who are after her are getting closer. She starts crawling the rocky road.

She gets on the other side of the border and lays down panting from all of the physical exertion she has faced today. Pursuers approach her and are about to cross the border 'HALT!' somebody shouts, pursuers stop immediately. Isade reaches through her memory... It sounded familiar but, tone is so much more different. There is strength, authority and great intimidation in it.

'Please, do step over the border, if you want an arrow through your throat. I can take you all on. COME AT ME!' a man shouted. Isade though, can't muster strength to even look and finally releases her consciousness and faints. 'She is a criminal, she has broken our laws' lackey who Isade very much hated said.

'You know the oath, WHELP!' Jan shouted 'Don't even think about throwing anything or readying a bow, I have all of you dead to rights, turn around and walk away' Jan commands 'Boss, we should go...' one of the underlings of the lackey says 'Why?' lackey asks confused and irritated greatly by the tone of fear in his underling's voice.

'That's him, "Bow of Ressew"' the grunt said 'Impossible!' lackey shouted and looks at the ranger 'Believe him, walk! Now!' Jan commands. Lackey clearly is going to defy but, his grunts pull him back 'Boss, don't! I am not kidding, he could take on two dozen of us and would just call it a warm up' one of the grunts said.

'I am going to count this as border incident in five... Four...' Jan said and started counting. Pursuers finally abandon the chase completely. Jan waits bow still ready to shoot and follows the pursuit abandoning people for a while with his aim, then he resets the string puts the arrow away then sheathes the bow on his body.

He picks up Isade and looks at the face for a while (Isade... What have you gotten yourself into this time?) Jan thought feeling guilty of whole situation when he recognizes the woman as the same girl who attended the same school but, different courses. One who did prank him multiple times but, once, save his life from a possibly deadly archery accident.

Isade is insensible unfortunately and probably won't wake up for a while. Jan goes to his horse and set Isade in a manner he still can support her, so she won't fall off and then gets on his horse too and careful ride to Jan's home begins. It isn't fancy what would expect from somebody with such tittle from that battle between the territory lords.

Jan nurses Isade but, physical extortion Isade put herself through requires mostly rest... Jan is very worried though and stays up all night. Order to keep Isade's recovery at best rate to his knowledge. He has set Isade to lie on a big seat made from hay, placed a pillow under her head and covered her with a duvet.

Night passes into morning which turns to mid day. Jan was listening for breath and was raising his head away thinking Isade was going to calmly wake up but, Isade raised immediately and opens her eyes. Her lips making contact with Jan's own lips both in complete shock of the moment but, break off as quickly as it happened 'How dare you kiss me!?' Isade shouted kneads her eyes to get all what is bothering her sight out of her eyes.

She gasps from surprise recognizing Jan who has backed off to give space for Isade 'Jan?' Isade asks trying to get confirmation from the man 'Sorry Isade' Jan said greatly regretting what happened 'You... Kept your promise...' Isade said and motions Jan to come closer. Seeing Jan's face again. She is absolutely sure this is the boy she saved back then.

Jan comes closer and sits down next to of Isade but, looking past her ashamed to look in to her eyes right now. 'Do it again... Please' Isade said. Jan hesitates and turns his face slightly away from Isade. She lightly and gently turns Jan's face to her and they kiss again. They hug, Isade tightly and Jan lightly fearing that he could hurt her.