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GrunkleStanwhich t1_j2fk2sk wrote

When I rolled my eyes it was meant to be an expression of sarcasm. A non vocal way for me to say Right now, I think you are an idiot. So when the lady at the store register, apathetic as a human can be, said: "This box is already opened, you can't return it.", well she deserved an eye roll as much as any human I'd ever met.

But when I did, what followed was a moment of almost audible fear as I locked eyes with something else. Something hidden deep within my brain. A small, blueish, and hideous thing, it's clawed hands gripping a series of tiny levers; wearing nothing but a stained tank top, its bubbled gut filling it out nicely.

Slowly it pulled it's hands off of the levers, eyes locked with mine and refusing to look away.

"I bet-" the gremlin started to stand up on its spindly legs. "I bet you blink first."

"Where are we...what are you?!" I yelled, the words coming from my mouth outside rather than the space me and the creature occupied. Outside I could hear the cashiers muffled voice reply with the same level of apathy.

Take your time, not like there's a line behind you or anything.

"Don't worry, there's no line." The gremlin said. "Can you believe her? Total asshole right?"

"I uh...yes?"I questioned. "I mean yes, yeah she is." I was still uncertain of my words.

The Gremlin placed a bony hand on one of the many fleshy levers before him and pushed it forward. Outside I could feel my body moving suddenly, turning to the right and stepping forward a few clunky steps.

"There, I moved us." He continued: "Why would you even return something unpoened anyways?"

"I know. Doesn't make any sense right? Hey uh...where are we?" I tried to speed along the conversation.

"You don't recognize it? We're in your mind of course. I'm just an occupant...the occupant."

I blinked in disbelief, staring at the only place there was to stare. At the pint sized little blue monster that claimed to have been living in my head for god knows how longz helping pilot me. He smiled a sudden and crooked smile.

"You blinked, I win!" He went to jump up but hit his head on the roof of my skull instead, sending a dull pain up through my head. "Oops. Anyways it seems that your eyes are rolling back. If I was you, and I sort of am, I would tell her off. Good luck!"

My eyes rolled back and I was left staring behind an empty counter. No line. No mean lady from before. No gremlin. Just me and a single bell with a tag reading: ding for service. As I turned to pick up my box and leave my body refused. Instead my arm shot out uncontrollably and slammed down onto the bell over and over, harder with each ding

"Ok, ok, enough!" An annoyed voice yelled from the back of the building, followed by a woman stomping out.

"You again? I told you-" Before she could finish a voice not my own shot out from my mouth, raspy, like nails scraping along a chalkboard.

"Listen you walnut. If you don't take this box and give me back my money I'll return it down your throat. Deal?"

Her eyes grew wide and she muttered the only word it seemed she could: "I uhm. Yeah sure."

And as the register opened and she took my box back in her hands I could feel my head pounding. Not from the stress of my day, or from the confusion due to what I had just experienced, but rather from what I knew to be the little blue man jumping around inside of my head in triumph.


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