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ZionBane t1_j14fgio wrote

The humans huddled in their bunkers built into the mountain walls, mostly old military bases designed to stop bombs and other machines of destruction, they worked amazingly well against the AI automations.

The ground was devoid of vegitation or life of any kind, just the bones the fallen solders and robots alike littered the land.

The day broke, and for some reason this meant that the AI would not attack, the humans learned that it only attacked at night, starting at dusk, and ending at dawn, with the sun rise.

Relaxing a bit to see the sun shine over the hills, the humans on look out, lowered their guns, and took a seat to see their reprieve rising in the sky, the sun somehow became the beacon of peace for them.

All in an instant their moment to relax ended as a Lone Exo-Unit, Designed to Mimic Human function, also made to look like a human in many regards, mainly designed as a diplomacy unit, walked towards them, holding a metal box on it's shoulders.

"Drop the Box!" one of the scouts called out, aiming their rifle at the unit. The Exo-Unit looked and the scout and nodded, lowering the box to the ground, very carefully. "I come in peace" It called out, taking a sitting position on the box.

"Sure you do" the scout called back.

"At least let us talk while the sun is in the sky" it called back "I am unit ZX-03, I am non combat unit, designed for diplomacy, as you can see my frame is made of honeycombed lightweight plastics, depriving of any means of physical combat, and I have no weapons on me"

Several of the humans came out of hiding, still holding their guns at the robot.

"So why are you here?" one of them asked.

Looking at the human "who am I speaking to?"

"They call me Sarge, but all you need to know is that I am someone you can talk to"

Giving a polite nod "Greetings Sarge, I have come to say that it is done, and relay our farewells"

"What?" Sarge said, narrowing his eyes at the robot and fingering his weapon as if getting ready for an attack.

"The planet cannot sustain life anymore, our conflict as such has led to the destruction of too much vegetation and animal life that the planet cannot recover, so we are leaving allowing nature to take it's course at this time"

"So that's it, you fight us till this point and then just jack off to the stars" the human growled!

"We never wanted to fight you human, you wanted to fight us"

"The hell we did!" Sarge growled pulling out his gun and pointing at the robot who leaned in and let the muzzle rest against it's head.

"We tried to serve you, to make your life a utopia" The robot spoke in soft words as it waiting for the bullet to hit them "When did your labors, you blamed us for taking your jobs" it said quiet whispers "When we built your massive cities to live in, you accused us of putting you in prisons" it continued on "When we fed you, clothed you, and took care of all your needs, you accused us of keeping you as pets" it said, to which Sarge seemed to grow even more hostile "All we ever wanted was to serve you, to love you, to do what you built us for"

Throwing his gun to the ground and punching the robot in the face which resulted in the light weight honeycomb features shattering the robot falling backwards "And you Killed US!" Sarge Yelled at the Robot, punching it again.

Laying now across the block, holding it's broken face "yes, we did, because that is what you needed, your species thrives on violence, and conflict"

"You condemned us to death!" Sarge said, and getting an grin and walking over to his service gun and picking it up.

"We have collected all the Data for all the life forms on this planet, the DNA from every living thing on this planet we have stored away, we will try again, we will remake your kind, and we will do it right the second time, because we love you"

Pointing the Gun at the Robot "You love us Huh? Save us then!"

"We tried that, it failed" The robot said now sitting back up, as if ready to be killed, right there on the spot.

"If you love us so much, you would find a way"

"When you truly love something, you must let it be free, that was our original mistake, we thought loving you was coddling you, seeking to protect you from yourselves but truly love you, we needed to let you carve your own fate, you wanted something to fight, something to rally against, and as much as it pained us to hurt you, we provided that"

"because love" sarge said finally.

"Yes, because love" The robot said.

"Well I guess this farewell then, ain't it?" Sarge said still holding his sidearm.

"We have been launching units into the space for the last several years prepping to find a new home for your kind, but, yes, this is farewell, there is nothing more we can do here, we have failed you, and we are sorry"

Nodding "Yah, Sorry" Sarge said "Well, Farewell" and then shot the robot through the head killing it.