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tsh87 t1_j25t4te wrote

I should've taken those archery lessons.

Oddly enough, your first thought after finding Cupid's arrow on the sidewalk was summer cap. Almost 2 decades your parents sent you to summer camp. The counselors told you that all the campers had to sign up to learn one new activity: swimming or archery. You loved the water. You went with swimming. Big mistake. Those archery lessons really could've come in handy right now.

You lean forward on the couch with your chin in your hand, staring at the heart-showed arrow that you laid on your coffee table.

It wasn't pink surprisingly... but it was warm. Not like a stove, or a fire, or even a blanket. It warmed you from the inside out, in a way that you'd nearly forgotten.

Again you think back to summer camp, a face popping up in your head. One with thick glasses but silky black hair and a crooked smile. Janie. She was your best friend in camp. The two of you were as close as any two preteen girls could be. You think of her and you smile.

Leaning closer, you notice an inscription on its side. Philia.

"Philia..." you mumble. You know this word. That's right, you do. It's greek... greek for love. The love of friendship.

You reach out to take the arrow in your hands and suddenly your mind is flooded with thoughts of Janie in summer camp, Lucky your old childhood dog, Ben your favorite cousin. It feels like your heart could burst, remembering all the times you spent with them, how each of them used to make you laugh and smile. How long had it been since you'd had friend who could make you feel that way again?

Your smile dips a bit, trying to remember the last time you'd actually tried to make a friend. You had your excuses, of course. Work was always so busy, going out was expensive and the divorce... well, the divorce made it very easy for you to wrap yourself up in isolation.


Pulling out your cellphone, you search for the nearest sporting goods store.

You don't know if you can shoot a bow and arrow... but you do know it's time that you made a new friend.