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Chicken-Routine t1_j0s9k9x wrote

I desperately need to find a new bacteria to ferment this milk, yet I also need to make sure it won’t kill me- I MUST keep them on their toes or I will lose this battle. But what am I supposed to do after Winnimere? You know how long it took me to get my hands on Winnimere? Do you have any fathomable idea how EXPENSIVE Winnimere is!? And guess what that got me? X-ray vision. WOw, NoW I can SeE tHroUgH wAllS! So much time, money, wasted. I’m like a virus. I give them to much time and they find countermeasures until I have nothing effective left… I need to mutate before that happens, and my only choice is to invent new cheeses… now, does use of goatmilk constitute an entirely seperate cheese, or is “goat cheese” one type of cheese?