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KarmicWhim t1_j0sdhto wrote

The sky darkened as I descended upon the innocent hospital. Gale force winds blew off the door and let the roaring rains in as I levitated past the desk clerk, into the back. No one dared stop me, no hero would dare answer a cry for help. I stopped at the room of the person I was looking for. The only one that had dared threaten my life. Tearing apart his door, my dark tendrils perverted the room.

"You're coming with me." I said.

"Room 6, to the left." Dr. Petermoly said nonchalantly.

"Very well."

Destroying the door to room 6, I ceased using the dark smoke that carried me and sat on the bed. After waiting for 30 minutes, Petermoly finally entered.

"Dr. Petermoly!!! ... give it to me straight."

Looking at his clip board, Petermoly approached me.

"To be frank Frank, your cholesterol is though the roof and you have 12 different variations of listeria, 8 of which no one new existed. Now correct me if I'm wrong but ..."

He was the only person I had revealed the mechanics of my powers to.

"... you get your powers from various different cheeses? The rawer the more potent? Blue cheese, the most toxic mind you, gives you multiple at once? And you eat nearly ... 20 blocks daily?"

I nod several times.

"Mr. Frank B. Wurst, I Dr. Petermoly declare that I have no possible idea how you are even alive right now. You should be insanely obese, however I guess that is the only aspect your powers help prevent.We barely broke you out of the coma last time you were here and every time you've visited it's been getting worse. Now we can deal with the Listeria by giving you the appropriate antibiotics, but you are going to have to cut back on your cheese intake."

"I cannot! I must always be on guard! You never know when the heroes shall attack! If I show any weakness, it may encourage them!"

"Then I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news ... but I think it's time you look at retirement. It'd benefit you and the doorways of this building if you take a look. I and your relatives are very concerned at the recent developments in your health Frank. Sometimes you have to know when to quit."

He handed me a brochure.

"Take a look at this. It'll ... ease you in."

Retire..... I grabbed the brochure and walked out the doorway to process the information.

"And Frank please use th-" too late, I had already ascended through the roof. Dr. Petermoly went back to his office to add a new cost to his hospital repair calculations.