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miramiomhit t1_j24lj0y wrote

It was an accident, just to be clear. When you'd made the path to your base a literal hell path with more traps than it should have had for a basement with an empty fridge and an abysmal empty plan board, you didn't actually expect anyone to try and get in. So when you found Infista crashing through the walls of your alleged home searching for you, you weren't ready for her to be slammed into a titanium wall at the speed of 310km/h.

She wasn't invincible, not really, and its one of the reasons you were so, so careful when you were fighting her. Jane- that was her real name; it wasn't so difficult to find- wasn't the most durable of heroes, but she was smart, and her combo ability of brief physical enhancement along with invisibility lent to sneak attacks that tended to stop any further fights. The impact hadn't killed her, and you thank the gods for it every day, but just the sight alone of her on your medical bay barely breathing and covered in a cast you had one of your servants wrap her in.

You had thought of taking her to the hospital, say she got caught up in a super powered fight- it was reasonable, really, but that would catch the attention of the higher ups of the heroes organization, and there hadn't been any fights that day that would cause this severe an injury. She was alive, and as conscious as one could be. It was easy to tell, with the way her eyes tracked your movements and the several attempts of getting away from you that always failed.

For a while, it was actually pretty cute how she kept trying her best to at least roll off the surgery table when you'd pick up your tools. It never worked, of course not, and you took the time to be smug about it every chance you could. When you were analyzing her mind, replacing bones with alloy you'd had in store, fixing the several places where her skin was ripped apart from the force- the way her eyes looked through it all left you breathless.

A kind of alertness that surprised you, and as time went on the straps on the bed weren't enough to keep her down. She once managed to rip the leather off in a moment of peace, having healed enough that enhancing herself no longer left her nearly comatose with exhaustion, and ran for it with her invisibility. She never made it out because the poor girl practically had a panic attack when she ended up right where she had gotten hurt. You took her back in, of course; it would have been a horrible thing to do, to just leave her, and she seemed to approve of your choice when she had clutched onto your arms so tightly.

Despite how sad it all was, the whole thing made changing her perception of you quite a lot more easier. She never even noticed when she had stopped seeing you as Ephemera, and instead just Mary. Sweet, sweet Mary who was always there for her. Who always held her close when old memories came back, and took them away for her. Who went to their room every morning to hand a beautiful spread for breakfast, who made Jane feel so much better about it all, and who was just so kind to let her stay without any expectation of payment in return.

And she was right to believe so, after all, nobody else would have done what you'd done, right? No, they would have just handed her off to the local hospital to be taken advantage of by the first nurse that saw, not like you, nothing like you, who had seen poor Jane as the mess that she was and doing all you could to help her. Even when you were the one who hurt her so badly, it didn't really matter now, did it? Jane was happy to be by your side for all of eternity, you'd made sure of that.


RavenousOwlhead OP t1_j24obuf wrote

Art, incredible transition to obsession. Thank you for taking your time in my prompt!


MrRedoot55 t1_j25yh8q wrote

By the end, I could tell something was not right. No wonder Mary was considered a villain.

Good work.