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AutoModerator t1_j24yu8o wrote

Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.


>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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BlueDaisyCat t1_j25g6zt wrote

"Ok Guido, you have your brother bringing in pizza's from his place right? The GOOD ones not the ones they serve the customers!"

"All set boss!"

"Antonio, you're in charge of balloons. That means decorations AND animals. Remember you're tyin' them into shapes NOT wringin their necks! Be genteel!"

"Youse got it boss!"

"Francesco, your wife and the girls are making a tiramasu the size of a buick yeah?"

"AND cupcakes boss- with sprinkles and sh..stuff"

"Oh yeah that reminds me- you guys gotta watch your fu.... flippin language. These are kids!"

**mixed chorus of muttering and head nods** "yeah yeah ok boss"

"Lorenzo, you're in charge of games. Remember these are kids playin with NERF guns- everyone has to lock up their guns, knives, brass knuckles, AND phones in the office before the shindig starts. And no encouraging rough housing god forbid one of these little punks should get hurt- we'd get our asses sued into next tuesday."

"Gina, you're in charge of singin happy birthday toos youse. You did that thing for that tryout for a chance to audition for that who wants to kiss an american millionaire right?"

"I'll knock em dead uncle Vincenzo!"

"Great- ok, everyone go lock up your stuff, and change into your costumes."

*dissenting grumbles and mutters*

"Look I don't I don't like this any more than youse guys but we're doin this or we're doin time! Now shaddup and go get your Smurf suits on!"

** in unison ** "yes Papa Smurf"

" Oh you guys are freakin hilarious."

Vincenzo stuffed the red hat on his head, and the stuck the fake beard on his face. He could only hope the other Don's never heard about his stint as "Godfather Smurf" On the other hand, if this worked out the cover for the warehouse was secure AND they were getting paid a smurfload of cash to boot.

PS: Thank you for the awards - I'm glad you enjoyed reading this =]


MrScrib t1_j2ba9re wrote

Followup - the party goes great, and the gig makes more money than cartel operations. So the cartel makes it a regular thing, making huge amounts of money, until the copyright and trademark owners catch wind of things and want their cut.