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makesPeopleDissapear t1_j29jxor wrote

Time has become an absurd concept for me, years and centuries pass and yet I remain the same. Not in the prime of my youth as portrayed in some stories. Despite the years that have passed, I still look the same.

You heard me right - I'm not getting any older. Whether you believe me or not is your choice, but there's nothing you can do about the fact that it's the truth. This is my reality. Being caught up in the world of the dying, watching them blossom and then wither, has become my very purpose in life. I have seen so many things, the most heinous places where life began, and I have just sat back. I watched to see if they would take root or rot.

Of course, I could have acted, cleaned up the mess and put life in a small, carefully chosen container. But I never considered that as an option. I would be denying reality if I really tried to do something like that. Where there is beauty, there is filth - how could a flower grow without the filth giving it the foundation and nutrients it needs to sprout?

There is a reason why things are the way they are - a reason why people grow older, die, and leave their loved ones behind. That is what I choose to believe.

I don't yet know why I am different, why I am excluded from this cycle of life and death. Is it a mistake? Am I just not worthy to follow in their footsteps? I was scared and thought for hours about what I did wrong. How I could make it right.

Until I just stopped. It sounds strange, but when I opened my eyes, I was surprised at how much time had passed, how much people's lives had changed - tears streamed down my face. It was such a beautiful sight. At that moment, I realized my role in all of this: to observe and recognize the beauty that is as resilient as a dandelion in the wind.

And yet, my time seems to have run out. Last night I noticed a single hair growing on my head - it wasn't long before all my hair was doing the same. And it didn't stop with my hair. My once tight skin became saggy, and so did the rest of my body.

It won't be long before I'm no longer here.

And I'm happier than I could ever be.

The gift you gave me I will keep in my heart.

Even though my time will eventually run out, I will never forget the beauty of which I am a part.

This is the cycle of life and death.


WickerBag OP t1_j2cj0tr wrote

Beautiful! I love the protagonist's joy at re-entering the cycle of life again. Thanks very much for posting this.