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navamama t1_j24dcjg wrote

"Your insistence to conquer everything you set your eyes upon is grotesque"

"Maybe, but what else is there to do? You either impose your will upon the world or others will impose their will upon you. I have no desire to be a vessel for a strangers will. Why should I accept yours now?"

"You may best me indeed, but are you ready to best what lies after me?"

"If I beat you, the only thing I will have left to conquer is myself!"

"So be it, I will grant you the chance to conquer yourself."

A strong will can survive past death, but how does a living will change once it overcomes its embodiment? I have been bested by many strong wills, and I have seen the torment they all endure past me. The will indeed has no need of a body, it uses a body. Whether you inhabit the body that is a will-manifest or not is irelevant for it's persistence. If I am not your reaper, may God help you against what will be in my stead.