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alexgibbs11 t1_j146xf9 wrote

Sinister phased in and out of Amazon's punches.

She was groing more and more tired, she was not sweating bullets but missiles, and he needed to escape fast he had a date to get to he's already 5 minutes behind...

"As much as I would love to do this song and dance all night my dear, This damned ruby isn't worth what I'm going to miss... Ta Ta now!"

He said as he phased through the floor leaving the Royal Ruby in his hand to drop to the floor.

"DAMMIT! HE GOT AWAY... wait what time is it?" She pulled out her phone with a broken screen from her back pocket on her belt.

6:30 Pm


She then ran down the 30 flights of stairs all while trying to freshen her self up as much as she could. She didn't want to smell like blood and sweat around the one guy she was interested in...

At the same time Sinister phasing through walls and walls trying to get to his apartment to change his clothes. When he arrived he ditched the top hat, cane, and his black and red 1700s style get up. He put on his nicest watch, and grey dress pants along side a white shirt and coat.

"Okay, Stan you're gonna go up to her, hand her the flowers, and-" he glanced at his watch "going tO BE LATE!" After that he phased out through his second floor wall and ran...

When Amazon found the bathroom with her bag she took off her greek inspired costume, and got on her nicest black dress. Grace double checked she didn't look like she was fighting, nor smelled like it too, before running to the restaurant at 6th...

They ran, and sprinted but by the time they got there it 7:39 the restaurant closed, and they stood there looking at each other...

They were horrified thinking that the other must have been waiting here all this time not going in as the restuarant closed without their date really beginning.

"I'm so sorry I was running late and I-" they had both paused. Stan was as dumbstruck as Grace hearing that...

"You? Now I'm the one who was late you were-" he noticed the high ponytail on Grace's... no... Amazon's head.

"No, your mistaken. I'm late you've been waiting with flow-" she then paused and noticed the messy eye shadow on Sinister's face

They walked close until the were properly face to face. Then the noticed the finer details of each other appearances. After that no more words were said. Only tears. Only 2 people with broken hearts walking away, until all that was there was just a flowers, laying on the concrete floor in front of an empty restaurant.


DeadKryptonite t1_j14vm27 wrote

I like this, this is the only story that had an unhappy ending where the villains are heartbroken with the other.


alexgibbs11 t1_j14vtwf wrote

Thank you the most fun was thinking of the power set of the Hero and Villian