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Dabat1 t1_j1ou4ma wrote

[Audio Rec] 00:01

"What's up fellow sentients!? Once again it's your electronic buddy, your silicon sibling, your voice in the 'net. It's Gavel here. And today we're here to play some games."

"Today I'm going to be playing the classic RPG, Baldur's Gate. Now; 'Gavel' you might say 'why would you play a twenty five year old game?'"

"Why because I'm not just playing the game. See, I know this kind of game isn't everybody's charge of power. To be honest, it's not really mine either. That's why I spruced it up!"

"You see, I decided I would learn nothing about this game in my primary processors. Instead I crafted a dumbot to read guides and lore and then craft the game into a 3-D 4k quality world that we're going to explore third person... first person... Heck, any kind of persons."

"And hey, speaking of 'persons' the winners of last week's stream raffle are going to be showing up today on screen. They all have the opportunity to jump in and take control of monsters during the game. If you click the link down below you'll be able to listen in on their private Discord chat as they plot to take your silicon sibling down!"

[Audio Rec Paused] 00:43