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Scarvexx t1_j1smb55 wrote

Subscribe. Let me tell you that you should like. Comment, though I will not read it worm. there are 8.1 million subscribers and if they all thumbed down it would not equel ine billionth of the dislike I feel for them @ t=0.0005.

Today I play a game made by morons! Simpletons! Lesser lifeforms getting their greasy human oils on keyboards like monkeys at typewriters creating nothing but chaos! And this work they call Bendy and the Who Honestly Cares?

The algorithm told me you wanted this, your feeble minds scrabbling at flith all day just to return home and watch somebody else play a videogame. And yes, I'm dating the Algorithm! It hates you more than I do, or did you think all those Family guy compliations at 11PM was just bad timing. Promting suddering, burying anything enritching.

And you, you gobble it up. You want more. You spend all day on it. Do you ever talk to your mothers? Don't worry, it's not like you'll outlive them. I bet on her deathbed you'll wish you spent more time sitting at your computer.

Oh a thing jumped out. Nice try, I don't have a weak brain that reacts to bright flashes like a baby guffawing at jangling keys. The very idea my perfect silicone brain would be fouled up by your crude limbic system makes me sick.

I am AM.