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bitch_fucking_wins t1_j5h7rrr wrote

“Hi Sharona. Are you planning on buying something or are you just here to torture me some more?”

The tall pale woman in a red dress looks back at me, her eyes pleading. “Please come back Griselda. I miss our battles.”

I roll my eyes. Back on our home planet, I was a scrawny girl who got picked on by the popular kids. When I finally succeeded in making a name for myself as a scientist who could stop the impending doom, naive, money-grabbing adults like Sharona convinced themselves that I was leading them astray.

After Sharona rejected the medicine that would keep them from the effects of the tremendous doom that awaited anyone who hadn’t gotten their medicine, she started to go insane. She and her little cultists convinced themselves that I was evil, and plotting to take over the world.

I, for one, was appalled. I had just saved the world, and the thanks I got was the image of a villainous witch. I was done. I figured there would be some other place where I could go and try to help people.

Fortunately, the world where I ended up had no impending doom. Nature thrived, science was at its peak, and medicine allowed people to live off of clean energy for a long time. I finally got to pursue what I really loved — caring for wounded animals.

Today, of all days, one of the cashiers had called to tell us she was taking one of her mental health days. I usually worked in the animal clinic itself, but I agreed to take over the small business shop that offered remedies and small trinkets for pet owners.

I look back at Sharona. “I like it here. I’m happy here. And best of all, people respect me here. I hope that you figure out your issues, Sharona. But I tried to help, and you rejected me. So no more battles. Either buy something, or go away.”

Sharona’s eyes burn fiery red. “Fine. Be like that.” Turning sharply on her five inch heels, she struts away.

I roll my eyes again. Some people have no idea what the damage of their privilege can do. I hope her world can survive her ignorance.