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Ass_Incomprehensible t1_j4j7w05 wrote

Trustworthy Acidic Squid.


that_one_author OP t1_j4jbghy wrote

I glare at the 'pirates' as I understand them. Sending charred ships into my waters after filling it with blood. I hated them, and I let them know. Shooting my acidic ink beneath their hull, dissolving the wood. But even as I sank one 2 took their place. So I was driven to this. A talk with these... Humans. I sigh, it was not all bad. They were, pleasant enough. I looked at the officer on deck. "No more pirates?" I ask. confirming our deal. "We will do our best. These waters are uncharted for us." I nodded. I had assisted greatly, able to swin in even shallow water had allowed me to give detailed information upon their coves and hidden islands. These Royal Navy humans would take them away, in exchange for defense if I am able. Anything to get rid of these unbearable creatures from my shores. "And on our side, you will defend our ships?" I concur, "Within my waters." We watched eachother a moment more, before the officer broke. "I will not lie to you, sir." He admitted, "I never thought I would be heading a ship along side a massive kraken." I chittered, in full agreement, "And I did not expect to need to speak to humans at all. I much prefer to avoid your kind." I pause, "Though you are better conversation than I expected as well. I might look for another such human to converse with." I sighed, "But first things first." The officer nodded, "Until tomorrow," I sank beneath the waves. Here's hoping this finally ends this pirate scourge.