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CarthagePlate_210 t1_j4kn6c1 wrote

Okay, how about... Scepter Stone Cat. Can you do anything with that?


that_one_author OP t1_j4mum82 wrote

I stare at the scepter in my paws. 10 years. 10 whole years since I was made into this monstrosity! I was on top of the world back then. Had my pride, a mate to call on and a trained house of humans to feed me at my call. I had it all! Mother warned me, warned all my litter, of curiosity and its dangers. You do not explore the unknown, you avoid it. How right she had been. A mouse had run into a hole large enough to squeeze through, and I followed, expecting a cornered meal to play with. No such luck. Instead it was a massive square cavern, a tomb of a god I later found out. I had been filled with dread, but the mouse! Where could it be. I was hungry and too far from the humans to bother with. So I searched, following its scent until I came across the throne. I saw a pile of bones scattered at its feet as a beam of sunlight shone over the golden seat. A sunbeam! Upon gold it would be perfect to nap on! Mouse forgotten I hopped up and it was exactly what I had hoped, purfectly warm. But something was laying in my spot! What the hell was this odd rod? I poked, prodded. Then I smacked it with a bit of force, knocking it off the throne, and my body followed. My paw stuck to the scepter, the word burned itself into my mind’s eye. Gaea’s scepter, that is what it was. I felt my bones warp, my muscles tear. For an eternity my life, existence was pure agony. Then I found myself… A. A. A fucking human covered in fur! My only relief was that my beautiful muzzle was untouched, just massive! And my hand, paw, haw! My haw was still stuck to this dammed scepter! 10 years, wandering trying to find a cure for this condition! Humans are as easy as ever, one even replaced my need for a mate, though I swore never to tell another cat as long as I live. What men will do for relief, I’m disgusting. But I have hope, there is a way. Once this party and I reach the bottom of this hellish prison, to the djinn chained here I would once more be in my rightful place back at the forest! Soon…