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thedankening t1_j6os7rg wrote

I've heard of this, but after reading some snippets here and there it struck as something equivalent to mid 00s bad self insert fanfiction. But maybe I just got unlucky. With 10 million words there's bound to be some absolutely dreadful passages no matter how good the overall project is.


ManalithTheDefiant t1_j6p117x wrote

That's how I feel about He Who Fights with Monsters and Defiance of the Fall. Overall story - good. Certain chapters here and there - author is clearly projecting something and it detracts from the story


Mr_tarrasque t1_j6p4hln wrote

I've never read it. So I can't speak to it's quality If I were to recommend any long form webnovels it would have to be practical guide to evil, mother of learning, and a hesitant recommendation for the gods are bastards as it seems to be a forever hiatus.