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AstroRide t1_j6eisb6 wrote

##The Accordion's Corpse

Tyler lies on the ground with a bullet in his chest. His blood leaks onto the carpet. A few feet away from him, an accordion lies broken on the ground. Two inspectors stand over it.

“I’ve never seen an accordion abused this badly before,” Detective O’Bryan says.

“It’s truly a tragedy. How can someone do this to such a beautiful thing? Music makes magnificent melodies. Those melodies brighten people’s lives,” Detective Kozak replies.

“Excuse me. Could one of you call the ambulance?” Tyler lifts his head up.

“We’ll get to you in a second, sir,” Detective O’Bryan says.

“I think I might be able to make it,” Tyler replies.

“Can’t you see we’re in the middle of an investigation. Please give us a moment,” Detective Kozak says.

“Oh my god, I came as soon as I heard.” Mary enters the apartment.

“Mary, it’s so nice to see you,” Tyler says. Mary walks to the officers and steps on Tyler’s chest. “Damnit.”

“Who could’ve done such a thing?” Mary stands over the accordion.

“We don’t know. Cruel criminals create cheerful chaos. I expect whoever did this was a monster,” Detective Kozak says.

“I know who did it. It was Bob from downstairs,” Tyler says.

“Sir, this is a crime scene. Please be quiet,” Detective O’Bryan says.

“Really honey, you must stop being so impetuous,” Mary says.

“Should we bring it to the lab for testing?” Detective Kuzak asks.

“I don’t know. Movement might destroy it further,” Detective O’Bryan says.

“It was made in France in 1920 from caoutchouc. Truly a loss for the world,” Mary says.

“Wow, you’re a lucky woman for being in the presence of such an artifact,” Detective Kuzak says.

“I was the one who bought it.” Tyler yells and begins to choke as blood fills his mouth.

“Be quiet. Stop being so needy.” Detective Kuzak screams and slams his fist on the accordion, breaking it further. Detective Kuzak gasps when he realizes what he has done. “Oh no.” He crouches on the flood and holds up the remains.

“Nooooo.” Mary breaks down in tears.

“The wind cried again today as heaven lost an angel,” Detective O’Bryan says.

“I’m a monster.” Detective Kuzak’s hands shake.

“Screw every single one of you.” Tyler spits out blood for the last time as he dies on the floor. Detective O’Bryan, Detective Kuzak, and Mary all look at his corpse for several seconds before shrugging and continuing to weep over the destroyed accordion.
