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Randomgold42 t1_j4inwxv wrote

Jeff flicked the light switch. It did not turn on, even though he had changed the bulb the other day. And it was a long life LED, so he knew that was not the cause. He sighed. Should he even bother going through the landlord?

Well, even if he worked on it himself, there was little he could do. At least, not this early in the morning. He headed to the small kitchen and started brewing the dark nectar that was coffee. As he waited for it to brew, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

The shadows roiled and twisted. The air seemed to grow a little colder as the darkness moved. It came together, deepening and solidifying. The mass of pure darkness rose, shifting into a humanoid form. Its arms were thin and long, and its thin fingers ended in claws the size of large kitchen knives. The creature's face was a hollow ball of shadows, save for the eyes. Two silver circles set into pure darkness shone out. The creature raised one of its clawed hands.

Jeff groaned. "Really, Ted? We talked about this. If you want something, knock on the door."

"Sorry." Ted said. His voice was like the cold wind of winter blowing through a dark forest. "I wasn't sure if you were up yet. I didn't want to wake you if you were still asleep."

"Uh-huh." Jeff said dully.

The coffee was just finishing up, and he went to get his cup. He was about to get a second for Ted, but then he remembered the living shadow did not eat or drink. So, he just set about getting us own cup ready. Even a single sip was enough to improve his mood.

"So, what's up?" He asked.

"My shower isn't working." Ted said.

"I thought you didn't need to shower. You know, being an incorporeal being and all."

"I don't, but Scott does."

"Ah, right. Did you get Mr. Devone to take a look at it?"

"Why bother? He won't do anything."

Jeff nodded. Their landlord was indeed known for being lazy. It was faster to just do it himself. But still, taking care of this building was not easy. Scott, for example, had probably broken the shower when his horn punctured something. The problems of being a minotaur, he supposed.

"True. I'll take a look at it later."

Ted gave his thanks and vanished into the floor. Jeff took his time to savor his coffee and get himself some breakfast. Once he was done, he got a few things he might need, and headed to Ted and Scott's apartment. Then he would go down to see if the demon couple downstairs had actually taken steps to keep the floors from charring.

Lots to do for his neighbors, especially in the old building. After all, just because the other residents were horrible monsters did not mean he had to be one too.