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Deathpaloma t1_j5whn24 wrote

What?! No!No! Take me back! Take me back! Josh started to scream frantically, his body movement jerky and twitchy. The music stopped, everyone look horrified, at him, his hair, beard and nails overgrown, they suit his was wearing just a minute ago, shabby.

His breath on your face as he grabbed you, screaming and spitting was awful. His teeth yellowed, what was happening?

Before you could react at all Pamela's Husband grabbed Josh and pulled him from you, Josh had his grip so tight on your arm he scrached you as he was pulled away.

Josh looked and sounded like a mad man, yet you couldn't respond, you couldn't process it what had happened? You don't understand, it was literally just a second. You just stand there while the man tried to calm Josh and stop him.

He became violent starting to attack his friends, he knew who they were as he pleaded to be let go, to be able to return, calling his friends by their names. Is was a scary sight some of the women started to take the kids out of the room.

The party was ruined, everything had turned to chaos and you just stood there. You hearded faintly when Jeremy said, that Josh looked thinner, loke he hadn't eaten in a while. You never stopped to think about where the things you made dissappear went.

None of them ever looked older, even the foods... you didn't understand you could. You were immobilized, tears rolling out of your eyes as the evens unfolded around you. Eventually Mark came to you.

  • What's happening man? He asked, clearly scared.

-I...I...don't know.

-What do you mean what did you do Alex?

-What did I... I don't know.

Mark's look turned from scared to angry, with him in front of you, you couldn't see the couch where they where still trying to hold Josh, but you could hear him trashing around and mumbling that he needed to go back.

-Alex?! What do we do? He won't stop! Screamed Jeremy as he tried to help Pamela's husband.

You looked around everyone else was gone. You couldn't explain, but before you could even say anything Josh came hurling towards you, pushing Mark out of the way, he did so with such violence Mark fell and hit his head. You couldn't see if he was okay, because Josh was immediately on top of you on the floor shaking you, drooling and screaming that he had to go back that he couldn't be here. Say incoherent things about how once you go you can't come can't .... you can't come back... he didn't want to be back, he had to go, that he was in pain, the pain would only stop if he went back.

Someone must have called the police because you heard sirens outside and saw the blue and red lights reflected on the window.

Something pulled you focus back to Josh, a sharp and piercing pain, he was slawing you chest with his overgrown nails.

Jeremy pulled him away from you and you could see Mark on the floor a blood pool starting to form around his head, Pamela's husband beside him. Your chest wasn't much better and Jeremy struggled with Josh as the police arrived.

You vision was blurry, but you could see two of the police officers pinning Josh down on the floor and subduing him, the last things you saw before you passed out where a paramedic injecting something on Joshes neck and another comming to you.

You woke up on hospital two days later, you chest hurt and you felt like you couldn't breathe. Not even 5 minutes passed before two officers walked in and started asking questions, what had happened to Josh? what drugs had he used? You friends kidly told them you did something to him. And you had, but yoy couldn't expect them to belive you.

You didn't have a reply you didn't know. The cops said thaf Josh was having all of the symptoms of withdraw and that he might not survive, so they needed to know what drug you had given to him Because they found nothing on the tox screen.

You told them you hadn't given him any drug, that you didn't know what had happened. They started to go ove your "friends" statements... you head felt heavy, your vision go blurry again and the sounds seemed faint.. distant.

You passed out the nurse said, the cops where very mad, but what did they expect...

A few months passed you never saw your friend again, the cops had to clear you has they couldn't prove you had done anything to Josh, just another case closed without and explanation. You had to get a restraining order from Josh. Every now and then he appeared on you door. Seemingly normal, but with that look, that same look from that day asking to be sent back, that he had nothing left in this world, his wife left, he couldn't see his kids, he lost his job and his friends wouldn't come near him...thay he didn't mean for Mark to die, but that he needed to go back, that he was in pain, that he felt empty and no one would miss him.

You hadn't seen him in a while, but you knew he was there... standing outside facing the house. Waiting for a change to go back. You even thought about letting him, but you didn't know what might happen if he did... what was on the otherside.

You promised to never use your power again, not even for small objects, as you look at yourself in the mirror with the scars on your chest...

The end


DarthMaulATAT t1_j5wln6r wrote

This is really cool. I'd be itching to ask Josh where he'd been and what he'd seen.


Deathpaloma t1_j5wol3t wrote

I like to think that he just stopped existing although I didn't know how to put that in the story, and that felling of non existance is good somehow and addictive. (Like, and I know how it's going to sound, mr. Meeseekes from rick and morty).

But you are welcome to belive whatever you want : )


FlightConscious9572 t1_j5x8dsa wrote

i wonder why he came back in that shape, with long nails like he had been there a while, i wonder if he changed because the mc was drinking or something. cool story!


A_GOOD_NINJA OP t1_j5z1171 wrote

I like that we never know where he went, just the effect on him. Thank you!