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Skyblade12 t1_j5xufyd wrote

"What are you doing?! Send me back!"

"Wait, what? Why? Where did you go? How long have you been gone? What happened?!"

I'd been pulling my little trick for years. Sending things away, then yanking them back. This was the first time I'd done a person or living thing, though, and the man I pulled back was not the same one I'd sent away.

His clothes were completely different. Instead of the casual jeans and t-shirt ensemble he'd left with, he came back wearing an outfit that put any cosplayer to shame. Mail hauberk, plate armor in places, a sword that looked terrifyingly functional. And all of it had clearly seen use, if the smell had not already given that away. The outfit may look amazing but he smelled like he'd just come out of a gym workout.

And his clothes weren't the only change. Gone was the youth from his face and eyes. Now a mature young man looked back at me, with a fire, intensity, fear, and focus that he had previously lacked.

"It's been nearly ten years! Why did you call me back now? You have to send me back! They need me!"

"Ten years? It was fifteen seconds! And who needs you?!"


He's getting more and more frantic, grabbing at me now.

"You have to send me back. It's the middle of the battle, and I'm just gone. What will happen to the army? They're there because of me, they'll route if I'm thought to have perished. Not to mention, who else can stand against Praethor? This sword wasn't easy to find, and there are precious few like it in the world. Now send me back!"

The information was a jumble of confusion and nonsense. It meant nothing to me. But his last words were given in such a commanding tone and with a tense grip on the sword that I simply did as commanded, reached back, and sent him away.

Only after, thinking back on things, did it make sense. I didn't just make things vanish, I sent them to another world, with other rules and laws. Other magic and time and power blocs and people. I pulled out some of my favorite trinkets that I had sent away and called back before, noting the subtle changes to them. The fading, a few grass stains. I hadn't realized how my power worked before.

But now I've thrown my best friend into another world, where he apparently formed an army to fight...someone. I isekai'd my friend. And he had to go back. But, it had been a minute between when he was pulled and when he was shoved back. Was that a minute over there as well? Or, if it was the same length as the difference was before, did he just get thrown into the world forty years after his army lost?


A_GOOD_NINJA OP t1_j5z1hsq wrote

This is close to what I was thinking when I wrote the prompt. I love it! Thank you.


Skyblade12 t1_j6236dd wrote

Glad you enjoyed it. I still need a lot more practice on my writing.


shiver23 t1_j601kah wrote

This one hit me somewhere emotionally and I really appreciate your talent.


Skyblade12 t1_j61fkbz wrote

Thanks. I don’t write a lot, and don’t have much faith in my own writing (especially dialogue). Already see plenty of stuff I feel like needs to be edited here. But at least people are appreciating the core of it.