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SilasCrane t1_j5y8r2z wrote


"Hey...where'd you get that?" Danny asked, blinking at me in the light of my Zippo's flickering flame, as I held it against the cigarette he'd handed me.

I was dressed as Superman for Halloween -- which meant that, like the Man of Steel himself, I had no pockets. I'd never told anyone what I could do before, and I don't know why I chose that night at Marty Baker's shitty Halloween party to change that. I could have explained the lighter away. And obviously, I had plenty of good reasons to keep my ability a secret: torches and pitchforks, dissected by the government, et cetera.

Maybe it was the edibles that we'd gotten off Marty's stoner cousin earlier that night. Maybe it was the costume, making me feel like I really was invincible. Or maybe I was just a stupid teenager, like everyone else at the party that night.

"Hammerspace." I said.

"Hammerspace?" Danny asked.

I nodded, flicking my zippo closed, and then paused to take a long drag and exhale. "Yeah. You ever see those old cartoons, where like Bugs Bunny just....he just sorta reaches behind him, and then comes back around holding this big-ass hammer, or some shit?"

Danny paused a moment, as his pleasantly toasted brain processed my question. Then he nodded, slowly.


I shrugged. "Well, that's where he gets that hammer -- from hammerspace..." I tossed my zippo into the air lightly, caught it, and then moved my hand behind me and released it with a practiced motion. Just like that, it was simply gone. "...and that's where I keep my lighter, so I don't accidentally leave it my pants and have my folks kick my ass for smoking when they find it on laundry day."

Danny looked behind me. He looked on the ground at my feet. He stared at my spandex-wrapped ass for longer than was really comfortable, though the thin, cheap fabric made it clear I didn't have a lighter unless I'd managed to stow it in my prison wallet.

"Dude, stop checking out my butt -- the lighter's in hammerspace, I told you." I said, glancing around nervously at the other costumed attendees scattered around the deck above Marty's back yard.

He finally stopped and look back at me. It was hard to tell what his emotions were, through the haze.

"Holy shit." he said, sounding strangely quiet and sober.

I shrugged again, uncomfortably. I was already realizing what a bad idea it had been to access hammerspace where someone could see, to say nothing of how stupid it was to come right out and tell them about it. Danny was my friend, sure, but not to the extent that I was comfortable putting my life in his hands. I hoped he'd think he was just tripping balls and would drop the subject, or maybe he'd forget what had happened by tomorrow.

"So like...what else do you keep in there?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said, uneasily. "I mean, just like little things. My wallet, tonight. A spare key. And just, I dunno, shit I don't want my parents to find, I guess."

Danny nodded again. "Cool." Then his eyes widened, and he punched me on the shoulder. "Hey!"

"Ow! What the hell, man?" I protested.

"Why the hell was I sweating about carrying those special gummy bears around for hours when you could have just stashed them in hyperspace or whatever?" he demanded.

"Hammerspace! And...I don't know! I mean, look, I don't even really like to talk about this, alright? It's's private, you know? Just drop it." I replied, my mind still too sluggish to formulate a better reply.

He shook his head. "Come on, that's bullshit! You can't just tell me something like this and tell me to drop it. Besides, I tell you my private shit all the time!"

"Pff, no you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"Like what?" I demanded.

"Like how Marty's cousin sells edibles!" he shot back.

"Dude, that's Marty's private shit -- if anything the fact that you told me that means I shouldn't tell you any private shit about me!" I retorted, jabbing a finger at him.

"Fine! I jack it to cartoons!" he shouted, angrily, lifting his chin and jerking a thumb at his chest.

Danny's face paled, as he recalled where we were. Multiple heads turned in our direction, and I winced, wondering if it would be clear to them that Danny had said that, rather than me.

"So like...we're even now." Danny mumbled, lamely.


SilasCrane t1_j5y8z2u wrote


We both made our exit from the party pretty quick, after that. As we walked back to Danny's car, parked a few blocks down due to the crowd at Marty's, we were silent at first. Then, for whatever reason, whether it was the gummies or the sheer absurdity of it all, we started laughing.

We laughed until we both had to lean on a nearby fence to catch our breaths."Damn." Danny sighed, when he'd finally curbed his manic cackling. "I might as well drop you back at your house, and then drive my car straight into the lake, after that shit."

I chuckled. "It'll be fine. Not everyone who heard it recognized you, and the ones that did will probably be too wasted to remember it, anyway."

"Hope so." he muttered. Then he smirked. "Or, you could just make me disappear."

I laughed. "Yeah..."

Then he grinned. "Hey, have you ever done that, before? Like, sent someone to hammerspace, instead of something?"

I shook my head. "Nah. I mean I...I've only really done it with objects before -- stuff I can hold in my hand."

Danny extended his hand.

"No way." I said, and then added. "And definitely not with your right hand."

Danny rolled his eyes and extended his left, instead. "Come on! It'll be like, for science and shit."

"Danny, I don't even know where hammerspace is!" I said. "What if it's too hot for people to survive there? Or too cold? What if it's like...up in orbit, or on the moon or something?"

Danny paused, then snapped his fingers. "You put shit you need to hide from your folks there, right?"

I nodded, uneasily. "Yeah, so?"

"Ever stash a beer in there?" he pressed, excitedly.

I shrugged. "Once or twice, sure."

"Was it still good when you pulled it back out?"

"Yeah, why?"

Danny grinned, and ticked points off on his fingers. "It didn't freeze, so it's not too cold. It didn't boil, so it's not too hot. And the can didn't explode or get crushed, which means there's atmospheric pressure like on Earth." He extended his hand again. "Beer is mostly water, and I am also mostly water. AP Science -- A-minus, bitch! Let's frickin' go!"I rolled my eyes. "It probably won't even work!"

"Then what are you worried about! Come on -- toss me in, send me back! There's still a good chance my life is over when we go back to school on Monday, dude -- so let me live!" Danny insisted.

With a sigh, I took his hand. He grinned widely. I pulled him forward and stepped in, so he went behind me.

I really thought nothing would happen. And then Danny was gone.

"Shit!" I cried.

I spun in a circle for a moment, as though I might have somehow flung him out of sight.

Then I came to my senses, and as I had done a thousand times before, I reached behind me, thinking of what I'd sent to hammerspace, and I grabbed for it. Somewhere beyond, my hand closed on Danny's wrist, and I pulled as hard as I could.

Danny practically flew out from behind me, staggering to a halt. But it wasn't the same Danny I'd sent through.

He still wore the tattered remnants of his zorro costume, along with a ragged mantle that looked like it was made from from some kind of black animal hide. As he slowly straightened up to look at me, I saw that his face had changed. It was leaner, almost gaunt, and he wore a full shaggy beard that I wouldn't have thought he was capable of growing. His eyes grew wide as they met mine.

I didn't have time to say anything before Danny rushed me, and slammed me back into the fence, pinning me there with implacable strength. He reeked, like he hadn't bathed in months, and his hot breath on my face smelled like rotten meat.

"Danny, I'm sorry!" I cried, struggling helplessly against him. "I didn't know--"

"BACK!" he roared, sounding both angry and panicked at the same time.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"Back!" he hissed, his face so close to mine that our noses were almost touching. "You have to send me back! NOW!"


"NOW!" he screamed. Danny seized my hand in his, and then drew his other hand back like he was going to strike. Desperately, I lurched to the side. Danny stepped into my motion, ending up behind me. In my panic, I willed him away from me...and he was gone.

I never saw Danny again, after that night. No one did.

And I never reached into hammerspace again. I gave it up. I'm not sure whether I'd become afraid of it, or if I was punishing myself for what happened. I finished high school. I got into college.

And then, one night, a few months back, as I lay in my dorm room on Halloween night, remembering that other night a lifetime ago, I just...I just had to. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and reached for my old Zippo. My fingers closed on something small -- but it was too soft, the surface too rough.

When I worked up the courage to look at what I held, I saw it. My Zippo. It was dented, and rusty, but it was definitely mine. What I'd felt was wrapped around it -- a roll of thin tan-colored leather or parchment, tied with a leather cord. It was a note.

It was addressed to me.


A_GOOD_NINJA OP t1_j5za2cu wrote

This is awesome! I hope it get voted higher so more people can read it. Thank you for writing!


Nyrnfang t1_j620sbr wrote

What did the note say though? I must know