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Additional_Broccoli t1_j5tda1j wrote

Amendment #5327 is going to need A LOT more updates with Dave around!


The Federation introduced Amendment #5327 around 200 years ago which was simultaneously praised and criticised. Bringing life to planets not yet capable of hosting a thriving ecosystem was, obviously, not ideal. Needing even to add this as a law was originally deemed moronic. The Federation didn't account for Dave.

It's not clear what Dave really is. We know it's a very old alien, and it's claimed to be from many different species, which it obviously isn't. Whatever Dave is, the species seems to be somehow immortal or has an extremely long lifespan. And an unfortunately twisted sense of humour.

Once Amendment #5327 was published, Dave became almost obsessed with breaking it in as many ways as possible.

Dave moved on from lifeless planets and started seeding other celestial objects instead. Covering moons with different lifeforms, Dave filled them with simple life from a range of life-friendly worlds. Plant spores from the earliest land plants to evolve and all kinds of microorganisms. While most life died off, there was some success!

A few moons did seem habitable to certain early life forms, but eventually, The Federation found out and was quite upset for some reason.

Amendment #5327 was updated to include moons.

Since moons were now banned, Dave looked elsewhere. Asteroids were a little unreliable, but a few species still could survive on them. Comets were more complicated, and Dave needed to do more research into them.

While stars should have been impossible to seed with life, Dave found one species that would thrive inside their cores! The unusual little microorganism would consume hydrogen as a food source. This was great news for Dave. Terrible news for the other planets in that solar system, though. Turns out the microorganisms made the star unstable, and well... a planet-wide evacuation was needed.

Amendment #5327 was updated again to include stars and any other celestial object.

Dave is still pretty busy these days.

The Federation forgot to include star clusters, nebulas, quasars, pulsars, black holes and dark matter!