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CK1ing t1_j6cb91a wrote

Lund had already told the whole village of his fateful encounter with the beast. How it knocked him off his horse, Frey, and carried the poor thing away, her blood dripping from its fangs. How he surely only survived for the hiding spot he quickly found. How the truce between dragon and man has surely been called off by this attack. And now, a depressed Lund simply wanted to grieve his beloved horse with a generous amount of mead. But apparently the gods ruled he could not have even that, as a rumbling greater than any earthquake he had ever experienced shook the tavern, mugs and people alike falling to the ground from the force. Without even a look at one another, each patron brave enough to carry a sword drew theirs, including Lund, and all ran out the door to see what fate had befallen their home. Although only one earthly creature had the ability to make such an entrance, not one of the men had expected to actually see a dragon sat in the middle of their village. Women ran, children cried, and every warrior stood at the ready, although strangely there seemed to be no blood.

Almost all the men were prepared to not let such a stroke of luck go to waste, but Lund could only stare as the one responsible for dear Frey's death stared back. "I HAVE COME FOR YOU, HUMAN." With that declaration of war, the men charged, aiming their swords for the creature's heart as the old legends instructed, but not one even managed to get close as the dragon simply opened its wings and blew every man away. "I APOLOGIZE," the dragon roared, "I MUST... WORK... ON MY MANNERS." And in what must have been a sign of peace, the dragon lowered its head, resting it on the cobblestone, right in front of Lund. Able to now speak softer, the dragon continued. "I am... ashamed of my actions, human. I have offended you and also my people. For that I am sorry. My punishment has already been decided by my fellow dragons. I am... to... become... your new steed. Do you... accept."

The whole village stood silent, stunned. Even the children could feel the weight of the dragon's words in their parents. Every head, once locked onto the dragon, all slowly turned to Lund, for his answer. But what answer could one possibly give to such a question? But after a while, Lund finally stammered the only answer he could muster, "uhm... I- I guess?"


Dooblesnott t1_j6gmoev wrote

Now this is interesting! Would love to see where this goes, if you would see fit to continue the story.


CK1ing t1_j6h1oia wrote

Ha, just maybe I will, but it'd require coming up with an actual conflict, and I'd be afraid it'd just turn into an alternate How to Train Your Dragon, lol