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Academic-Chapter-295 t1_j3btuhq wrote

Looking out the window at my therapist's office, I watch as people below move from buildings to cars in a constant stream.

"You're awfully quiet today. Has something changed since the last time we spoke?" Dr. Green asks as she squints at me over her tablet.

I clear my throat, unsure what to say. Should I tell her about the accident? I feel a flush creep up my neck into my face as I burn in shame.

"She will lock you up if you tell her." A gravelly voice croaks inside my skull.

"Let her talk, Walter, then the quack will know just how crazy she is..." a squeaky childlike voice taunts.

The voices begin to swirl and collide in my mind. I cringe and hold my fists over my ears, trying to block them out.

"Shannon?" My therapist is leaning forward with a concerned expression studying my face.

"Just another migraine." I take a few deep breaths and unclench my fists. I swallow and try to look reassuring. "It'll pass."

"No matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of us. It hurts our feelings that you would even try." The childish voice whispers.

"Fuck her, and fuck that bitch. She deserved everything she got! Trying to unalive us. What a disgrace, you should be ashamed." A harsh feminine voice yells.

"Marie is snapping again. Surprise, surprise." Pipin sing-songs.

"Both of you can it." Walter grumbles. "No matter what, we can't tell the truth. I'm too old to get locked up in a cell."

"I wouldn't worry about jail so much as the electric chair. Texas fries people like our Shannon." a cold, steely voice snakes in. My neck hairs stand on end, and I tremble at the voice of pure evil. I hate Earl, he makes me do things I don't want to do. I should really tell Dr. Green. She could get me help. So I don't hurt anyone ever again.

"Dr. Green..." I begin shakily, trying to focus on her. I lock my eyes on her nose. "Dr. Green I need to tell you something..."

"BAM, BAM, BAM!" My therapist looks shocked and mildly irritated by the interruption. She apologizes as she moves to answer the door. I look out the window and see four red and blue flashing squad cars. I feel sick to my stomach.

"The jigs up." Pipin squeaks almost in delight.

"Shit." Walter adds.

"What is this all about?" I hear Dr. Green ask from far away. My head starts to swim, and I see black spots.

"Don't faint. I want you to be awake for this." Earl's voice slithers in one ear and out the other. I can't watch and look down to study my shoes.

A primal sound pierces the air. I sharply look up and see Dr. Green clutching at the policeman as she slides to the floor sobbing.

"I am sorry, ma'am." The officer offers softly.

"Here we go. Remember, Shannon, if you hadn't started this therapy bullshit none of this would have happened. This is on you." Marie scolds.

"Awe, Marie, don't make her feel bad." Earl cooed. "Trust me, she liked it. First time she felt in control in years. Isn't that right, Shannon? Let me know when you want the sequel. Anytime you want to feel alive again."

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" I shout and stand up. Dr. Green is pale and on the floor. She is looking at me like she discovered the monster under her bed.

"Tell her to stop looking at us like that, or I will give her something to cry about." Walter snaps.

"Shannon..." Dr. Green begins and stops to lick her lips. Her eyes are red and staring.

"My daughter was killed in a hit and run in front of my house earlier today while she was riding her bike." Dr. Green pauses and looks away. Tears streaming down her face as she sobs uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, miss. I think it is best you leave. " One of the officers takes my elbow and gently escorts me out the door. I walk toward the bus stop slowly. The voices shouting, arguing, and celebrating all at once.

"Glad you listened to us and didn't drive today. Those cops would've seen her daughter's pretty blond skull all over your bumper." Earl laughs.

"Shut up..." I whisper with less enthusiasm. "Please, just leave me alone."

"Oh Shannon, you never have to be alone. Not when you have us."