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xadonn t1_j6n3xdu wrote

She couldn’t sleep a wink last night. The thoughts of The Jester being the Shadow King were almost too silly for her to grasp her head around. There is no status, no power, not even a good reason for them to be close with each other. It's almost too suspicious, she then thought maybe the King might be into men, but then remembered that time he hit on her while drunk and asked her to be queen. Before vomiting all over her shoes. However as a jester they would be allowed to be at the castle at all hours and talking to the King wouldn’t be out of the question. However in the middle of the night it was too much. However she did learn something very interesting about Demons that she didn’t think that anyone else knew, that some had the power and ability to change their appearance. Which gave her so much joy she screamed with satisfaction.

As months passed and the days were normal, she started to follow the jester around the castle. He would sometimes be in the library reading books about acting and such from other lands. She noticed two things, he was never really where he was supposed to be and met with the King at least once every couple weeks. Tonight surely after the news that the advisor to the King of the West would be visiting in a week's time, the Shadow King would visit his puppet. She thought to herself while hiding in the King's room, she was also thinking about how crazy easy it was for her to get in here, thinking that maybe it was a trap, but she must know the truth. She waited for what seemed like a lifetime trapped, hidden under the bed.

“So, this visit. You think it will be a friendly one.” The King said allowed, after quietly closing the door. She could barely contain herself. She knew it. He wasn’t alone. However it was too early to tell whether or not it was the jester.

“Probably not. More like a warning.” the jester said, and she smiled so big under the bed. She knew it. She was right. It was the jester, but was he a demon or was he a lover? What if he was both? But her thoughts were cut short from the sudden bonk to the head from the King sitting down hard enough on the bed it knocked her out.

Coming too, she opened her eyes to the jester, taking care of her injuries. “What the fuck were you doing under the bed?” The King looked unphased by this development.

“Take care of this Cal. We don’t have time for her silly stalking anymore.” Her face burned with embarrassment. Cal rolled their eyes and waved at them to hush.

“I have a solution already planned but wanted to wait until the moment was right.”

“Well, this is the moment if there ever was one.”

“You two get married and then she can just be let in on our little secret.”

“Absolutely not.” He looked mortified.

“Oh, come one, I remember when you first hired her, you said that she was your future wife, if you ever got the chance to pick one out.”

“That was before.” Cal looked confused and raised an eyebrow in his general direction. “I made a fool of myself in front of her enough to last a lifetime. I do not need to be reminded of that everyday any more than I do.”

“Hey, don’t I have a say in this?” saying it louder than she expected too, and with lots of anger.

“Of course darling, what would you like? I know the ladies love a spring wedding but I hear, fall weddings are going to be the next big thing from the kitchen staff.” the historian brushed Cal off of her before standing up, and then sitting back down due to the dizziness.

“No, about getting married!” She screamed instead. “Plus I don’t need to know about anyone's secrets.” She said convincing no one.

“Oh really? Why were you under the bed?” Cal poked. “What about all those journal entries you made about demons, not to mention the demon book, and all sorts of demon related contraband in your room I found.” Her heart started racing, this was not the way she thought this night would go. She swallowed the last bit of spit in her mouth before she saw the King's hand hit Cal’s head.

“You snoop.” The King sighed “I guess marriage really is the only option that makes the most since. It's not like we can afford to lose our next Head of Historian’s. Hank is already nearing 70 and refuses to train any more new students.” Shocked by the Kings words she forgot all about what they were talking about prior.

“Hank thinks I should be the next Head?” She was nearly in tears from overwhelming joy, Hank is the whole reason she became a historian.

“Yes, of course.” The King said as if it was decided long ago. She was so touched she started crying and the pain in her head was becoming unbearable.

“So the wedding is on! I do love a good wedding!” With that The Shadow King gave her a devilish smile. “I’ll get to planning.” Then he disappeared in front of her. Leaving her alone with the King. He walked over to a cart full of liquor and poured two drinks and gave her one. They both sat in silence drinking until the King eventually escorted her back to her room.

“I’ll be awaiting your response.” He said and gave the proper bow signifying an official offer of marriage before leaving her alone.