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rogueShadow13 t1_j6htr4o wrote

The days Jovi, the god of of tricks, spent down with the mortals were the worst days of his eternal life.

“How can humans suffer so much, yet still persist on?” He wondered. “If the other gods won’t get off their asses to help those that worship us, then I will make them.”

Jovi started forming a plan immediately. How can a group of mortals intend to defeat the Gods of Hilam, one may wonder.

Simple: Tricks.

And trick them he did. It was not hard for the Gods of Helam have grown dumb and lazy over the many years of peace in Helam. This should not be confused with peace on earth, which is nonexistent.

The plan was simple, Jovi would continue on like nothing happened, but during his free time he would sow the seeds of dissension amongst his fellow gods.

“It likely wont take long.” He thought, amused and smiling at how clever he was.

Within 3 days the gods were at each others throats. Jovi knew all the right buttons to push. Spending an eternity with his fellow gods had its share of perks.

With the gods distracted, Jovi leads an army of mortals to the base of Helam Mountain, into the home of the gods. The battle was swift and decisive, with Jovi leading the mortals to victory.

The gods would be back, as they were immortal, but when they come back, they will find Helam Mountain has new residents with fancy new warding that will keep even the strongest of gods out.

Looking around at all his slain kin, Jovi can’t help but smile.