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Commander_Night_17 t1_j5k2iev wrote

It all changed when the dragons attacked.

Humanity was always, a strange species in the cosmos of the world. Not too strong, too smart or too powerful

The Dragons and humans first encountered each other so many centuries ago, The dragons were large, powerful, and with their lairs, nearly impossible to defeat.

To make up for that however, humanity had more hands to fight, and even more to replace them.

Slowly but surely, both sides reached a level of attrition, grinding each other down for meagre gains in land, only to lose it in the next battle.

It was clear to both the leaders of the human nation, and the several Imaneks of the dragons that if the war continued, both sides would be utterly destroyed.

A truce was called, and both sides debated on matters of repatriation and land.

Both agreed to a peace deal, the two nations now unified, dragons sharing the wealth of knowledge, the humans, hands that once dealt war, now dealing in economy.



But this did not last long

At least, in dragon terms

Dragons do not enjoy having their prides being stripped away as it was during the conflict, and while genrations of humans passed, caring less and less, becoming complacent, defeat was fresh in the memory of the dragons.

And as a famous dragon once said

"We all seek eternity, but with eternity comes the need for... entertainment."

The dragons could have easily destoried the now complacent and struggling humantiy by Shapeshfiting, spending a few years mimicking as a human, climbing the ladders of society, till at last, from seats of power, they could turn the human forces against each other.

But that wouldn't have been, entertaining...

So they came up with a more devilish plan.


This was much thrilling for most of the dragons, and fairly enough, the humans who wished to partake, though unaware of the dragons true plans.

It would take several millenia to bring forth a large army of dragons, but only a decade to bring about a overwhelming swarm of half-breeds, humanities quick time to grow and mature used against them.

The humans who were wooed to partake in relations with the dragons were called by their kind, "furries", ostracised for their choices in partners.

The furries swore that they shall revenge, and indded they did

The typical infighting of the human nations boring them, the dragons let out the half-breeds.

They were the best of both worlds, not large like the dragons to be easily trapped and have poor healing with said size, easier to arm, had fire and abilty to fly.

Their dazzling beauty was another, enticing more men and women to join what was now called the way of the furry.

With a bat of a dragons eyelid, the so called 'kingdoms of man" crumbled, the many wars providing enterainment for 2 millenia.

The lowly humans now reduced to what dragons saw them as, petty slaves, the dragons made them work on great castles, symbols of power.

The furries were elevated to statuses of eunuchs, the half breeds now used as guards.

I am Lovatos, half dragon of the royal line of Navirandra, I know what has happend to both of my people.

I miss the times of peace, I was lucky to have experinced them

Head my warning elves, you may be allied with the dragons like the humans once were but be wary.

Be wary of their need for entertainment.

Be wary of the Furries among you