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BzhizhkMard t1_j3uz7r5 wrote

I have. Yes.


msdmic t1_j3wqw5p wrote

Is the area relatively safe? This is my first time in PA so I don’t know what to expect


BzhizhkMard t1_j3wt8y6 wrote

You should be safe but not the beat neighborhood. But you should be safe. Albeit, I moved out a while ago. Not sure how it is today.


msarianne t1_j3vn85l wrote

Yes. It’s not unpleasant.


msdmic t1_j3wqxwb wrote

Is the area relatively safe? This is my first time in PA so I don’t know what to expect


rmsst62 t1_j3wlymb wrote



msdmic t1_j3wqyv6 wrote

Is the area relatively safe? This is my first time in PA so I don’t know what to expect


rmsst62 t1_j3wrlr9 wrote

I guess it depends where you're getting dropped off by the bus. The terminal in center city Allentown I'm thinking of is not in the best part of town but coming from NYC, I don't think you're any less safe in Allentown than you would be in New York.

The same rules should apply as they would in any city. Be smart, be aware, don't wander into places you're not familiar with or get lost.


msdmic t1_j3wszh2 wrote

I think the stop they mention is 325 Hamilton St, if that helps and then I’d uber from there to my hotel


rmsst62 t1_j3wukh6 wrote

Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of. Definitely relatively safe. Daylight, no problem. Nighttime, be smart and you'll be fine.


msdmic t1_j3xos9n wrote

My bus lands around 6:30 pm so I’ll just hope my Uber is there at the right time lol


balzackgoo t1_j3xwadl wrote

You'll be fine, that area is pretty improved now. There is also a police precinct a block away.


buon_natale t1_j3ygd3r wrote

A million times! Safe and cost effective.