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an-itch-in-her-ditch t1_itca66y wrote

> You see people walking to the airport all the time .

No I don’t. And you’re lying if you say you do. You may see people walking, but you’re only speculating on their destination.

> What’s wrong with you? Why are you against a project rhat helps people? This is a great idea.

Nothing’s wrong with me. I’m not against this project per se, but it’s far from proven that is either will help people or is a great idea. That’s just your opinion. I’m against wasting money on a potential boondoggle without proper study, of which one hasn’t been conducted.

> Just because you don’t want to use it doesn’t mean everyone thjnsn the same. Under the right circumstances I would use it.

Who says I wouldn’t want to use it? I just don’t want to pay for it without knowing what we are paying for.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itcl6kx wrote

The study seems like wasteful. This a good idea. I don’t believe a study is needed. You don’t need a study for everything. Arlington in particular sure does a lot of studies. I think it’s a thinly veiled excuse to not pursue a public works project. Keeping pedestrians safe is a good idea. I would prefer there were not a study. You feel differently. That’s okay. I’m drawing my line in the sand. You can draw yours. Drawing pretty things can be fun.


an-itch-in-her-ditch t1_itclxex wrote

Thank god you’re not responsible for spending my tax dollars.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itd7t91 wrote

OK. Call now. It’s not that serious. Arlington county would be very fortunate to have me, but that’s not really my jam. However, I have thought about local politics. Never say never. But the “thank God is so unnecessary.”

I said what I said. I think some of these studies are just decoys and many are a waste of money at least from my perspective. And you’re only saying this because you don’t want the pedestrian bridge for whatever reason.

I know for a fact that people walk to the airport. Not everyone, not a lot but I’ve seen people walking to the airport. I don’t know? Yes I do. Where else they walking to? DCA is isolated. There is no where else those people would be walking to. I saw these folks on airport grounds. not at Pentagon City mall. Where else they walking to?

People do walk to the airport and the options available now are not always safe. It’s a narrow rickety sidewalk.

Pedestrian bridge would be good. If a study is part of protocol then so be it. However, I continue to stand behind this. I think this is great.


an-itch-in-her-ditch t1_itd8igv wrote

> Arlington county would be very fortunate to have me,

🤣 😂😅


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itd9eex wrote

Okay. You laugh. I’m not trying to run for office but if I were I would want encouragement.

You work on your negativity.

It’s all moot since I’m not running. But I have ideas. I would be a man of the people. The people’s champ.


an-itch-in-her-ditch t1_itdb01i wrote

There’s a god damned good reason we don’t just hand $43M to people who claim they are the bees knees.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itdc2wa wrote

Well people are elected to office. And then they just might be handed over $43 million. But in this hypothetical I’ve ran for office and won. Because I’m the people’s champ.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itdcg3v wrote

They’re not handing you $43 million either. It’s not lkne I walked up to the courthouse demanding money. This isn’t a stick up. Relax.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itd9ju0 wrote

And ya know the same applies to you as well.

So great that you’re not in charge of the budget what kind of common is that? So unnecessary.

Scrolling on


TMacOnTheTrack t1_itckewy wrote

If I said that I saw it then I saw it, if I said that it happened then it happened, because I’m not a liar.

I have witnessed people walking to the airport with bags in tow. I have walked to the airport on more than one occasion. People are already walking to the airport this pedestrian bridge gives them a safer option.

Additionally, it provides another exit for the Mount Vernon trail which is a hard trail to get off. Once you walk two miles you can’t get off and catch the nearest Uber. So an additional exit for the mount Vernon is nice.

Another interesting possibility is connecting the bridge with VRE. It would be nice if VRE could be a full service statewide rail. Or at the very least more options between DC and Richmond.