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an-itch-in-her-ditch t1_isqtuv3 wrote

> I could work super fucking hard on MY salary and still not be able to afford property in this area for YEARS and I think thats fucked.

And you have the gall to call me entitled? LMAO! I can’t afford a place in NYC with a view of Central Park, and I’m not bashing the system.

> if you've got your house and your car and your backyard then why step on people who simply want a place to live?

I’m not stepping on a god damned soul. I’m simply sick of the leeches being applied to my skin every fucking year. Buy into a new development in Arlington? Who do you think is paying for those “affordable units”? Not the developers. They’re held hostage by the County in a dozen other ways.

> Who the FUCK do you think does these jobs, the fucking holy spirit? Why the fuck should anyone have to commute 2 hours to work? Cities are where the fucking JOBS are.

Thanks for your concern for my caffeine. But as I already said, I don’t expect people to schlep 2 hours for their health. Starbucks will either go fully automated or offer an enticing wage. Yes, that latte is gonna be 20 bucks. Convenience costs, after all.

> How can you complain about the exact quality of life issues that a chronic housing shortage causes in the same breath that you oppose fixing that same shortage?

Because pal, this ain’t my first rodeo. It is the height of naïveté if you believe these proposals will “fix” a god damned thing. One glance at the County’s projections to the tax base and population had me in stitches. This is the Streetcar scam all over again, except move the decimal point to the right a digit.