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EmeraldHawk t1_j6vt2dy wrote

Yes, my last paragraph said that adding salt is clearly better. Reread the OP's question, they aren't asking what's better in practice. They want to know what lasts longer.

If we assume a perfectly insulating cooler, both methods last forever and it's a tie.


AUniquePerspective t1_j6vuwxt wrote

They want to know if they have reason to believe fishers. They're missing the point. This isn't a question of total heat within the cooler/ice/water/fish system. The goal is to prevent rotten fish. The fish is the only part of the system the fisher cares about.


wanted_to_upvote t1_j6vu09d wrote

How can you assume a perfectly insulated cooler? No one ever said anything about that. The answer should be about things that really exist.


kuchenrolle t1_j6wgu5r wrote

>No one ever said anything about that.

That's not quite correct. AUniquePerspective, who EmeraldHawk is responding to, introduced that above.