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mckulty t1_j6zov2e wrote

> If by complex the OP simply means complicated

No he means formed, like the difference between the waveform pattern for a tuning fork (smooth sinusoidal) vs complicated like an oboe. The flute pattern below shows strong influence from the third harmonic.

I don't know of any way to impose harmonics like that on a photon, but I'm willing to listen if someone says otherwise.


Otherwise-Way-1176 t1_j70aiag wrote

All you have to do is allow more than one photon and it’s trivial to produce a complex waveform. Radio waves that actually arrive at an antennae in real world applications consist of more than 1 photon, so I don’t understand why you’re so attached to this idea that it has to be all packed into just one photon.

Sound waves are not carried by particles, so I don’t see why you’re insisting on this single photon restriction.


mckulty t1_j70jflh wrote

I'm missing something but too tired to care. Of course light reinforces and cancels like any other wave.

> Sound waves are not carried by particles

Um, they don't do well in a vacuum.