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ZookeepergameOpen824 t1_j7i95jy wrote

Smog or other gases that are inhaled can enter the systemic blood stream and cause oxidative stress to the circulatory system or blood vessels. The particles causing damage to the lining of the vessels or the sacs in the lungs will initiate the inflammatory response and cause cellular mediators such as platelets & fibrin, to heal the damaged wall. This causes the vessels to narrow or form plaques overtime and can obstruct blood flow to the heart/brain. A piece of the plaque can also rip off and travel to the brain and obstruct blood flow that way as well.


LachoooDaOriginl t1_j7kbpvm wrote

so it makes a bunch of blood clots waiting to happen? damn


Proof_Device_8197 t1_j7ogotx wrote

The vessels go into ‘repair mode’ initiated by inflammation due to the oxidative stress insults described above. Going into inflammatory repair mode response is essentially the body’s way of laying down scar tissue in the blood vessels. This entire process repeats over and over again until you’ve essentially decreased the integrity and function of the vessels themselves, leading to cardiac diseases.


Triabolical_ t1_j7jai56 wrote

The inside of blood vessels have epithelial cells and a really weird coating known as the glycocalyx.

There are things that damage the glycocalyx and epithelial cells and processes that work to repair them. Some of the compounds in smog are excellent at causing damage, and that increases risk.

Here's a reference for you.


SovereignAxe t1_j7mzy0t wrote

Just to add to what others have said: smog is made up of particles called PM10 and PM2.5. These are classes of particles that fall into size categories of 10 and 2.5 microns in size.

PM10s are small enough to cause irritation in the eyes, throat, and nose. PM2.5s however are so small that they can pass the blood/brain barrier. And those are what are in smog.


SolasHealth t1_j7oa5gn wrote

Smog is composed of various air pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and ozone, which can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. It can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.The particulate matter in smog can also enter the bloodstream. As a result colts are formed. And this clots are the leading causes of heart attacks and stokes.Furthermore, smog can aggravate pre-existing cardiovascular conditions like high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, making people more vulnerable to these diseases.