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Tiny_Rat t1_j82eevt wrote

A few cycles of freeze-thaw alone will kill the bacteria fairly effectively, the problem is that it may break your glass vial and damage the protein inside.


Natolx OP t1_j82ic7r wrote

>A few cycles of freeze-thaw alone will kill the bacteria fairly effectively, the problem is that it may break your glass vial and damage the protein inside.

The protein will be fine. It's already been freeze thawed a bunch of times in a plastic tube. But yes, the glass breaking is a problem.


[deleted] t1_j82jp4q wrote



Natolx OP t1_j82jtvm wrote

>Glass breaks when there's a temperature differential between one area and another. > >Heated from room temp in a water bath, it probably won't happen.

OP was talking about freeze thaw. The expanding of the ice would be the problem.