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DorkRockGalactic t1_j94xkxv wrote

Chaos into order, via evolution.

It's like a core metaphor for everything we are and know.


assidreemz t1_j953rl6 wrote

Yea it’s really cool to think about. Entropy is one of my favorite words.


thechilipepper0 t1_j979hne wrote

I tried to explain it to an MFA once. It’s surprisingly difficult to describe in simple terms


Felted_Grape t1_j9egi9o wrote

I like to imagine we are a little backwards swirl going to order in the grand big swirl pattern that overall tends towards entropy.


DorkRockGalactic t1_j9gouep wrote

That's a good analogy really.

With all the random stuff happening, it's possible for things to order themselves by random chance. Earth life happened to order itself just the right way to self replicate and thrive on our island of stability where there are energy gradients to exploit.