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fourthwallb t1_j9e0lqp wrote

You are not "fully immune", because HIV has two tropisms. CCR5 and CXCR4. CXCR4 tropic HIV can infect a person with CCR5∆32


Bbrhuft t1_j9ew86u wrote

I see 4.9% of 555 newly diagnosed HIV infections in France between 2003-10, were the CXCR4-tropic variant. And of these, 1.5% were involved in a transmission clusters (one case).

I think it means the CXCR4-tropic variant usually arises/evolves after infection, it's less often involved in transmission?

I think they hypothesize, if I understand the paper correctly, that the CXCR4-tropic variant is less infectious than CCR5 variants.

Frange, P., Meyer, L., Ghosn, J., Deveau, C., Goujard, C., Duvivier, C., Tubiana, R., Rouzioux, C., Chaix, M.L. and ANRS CO6 PRIMO Cohort Study Group, 2013. Prevalence of CXCR 4‐tropic viruses in clustered transmission chains at the time of primary HIV‐1 infection. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 19(5), pp.E252-E255.