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Somnif t1_j9i4ccm wrote

Also important to note that Evolution doesn't work towards the Best solution.

Just the... least worst.


Marsdreamer t1_j9i7yo9 wrote

Pretty true. To kinda expound on that, it works "up," but it can get stuck on local maxima rather than global maxima. Picture two mountains separated by a valley and one being higher than the other. If a species is 'climbing' the smaller peak of fitness then once it gets there it can theoretically never climb down the valley and start climbing the taller mountain. It will always* be stuck on that smaller peak because Evolution doesn't know how to take short term pain for long term gain. It's effectively a greedy algorithm to borrow from a CS concept.

*As long as conditions stay exactly the same. The adaptive landscape is always changing.


dmilin t1_j9iuy2i wrote

This is believed to be the reason no species ever developed wheels despite them being incredibly efficient. It's simply too large an evolutionary jump.


chx_ t1_j9j0pkh wrote

Also, sorry for the amateurish questions, wouldn't that require a rotating axle which is kinda impossible to develop? Like, everything is connected to the rest of the body. Maybe some weird symbiosis could do it? :)


RestlessARBIT3R t1_j9i7s2v wrote

Exactly. You don’t have to be the best at something, just better than anyone else around you


viliml t1_j9itljd wrote

The least worst is the same thing as the best.

What you probably meant was "good enough".
